Heartless (Alpha Bodyguard #9) - Sybil Bartel Page 0,17

across the street and probably in the lobby. My team will track passenger lists of flights from Heathrow to Miami, and we’re watching her staff in London to see if anyone goes missing.” He glanced at his watch. “Nothing’s happening tonight. We’ve got a small window to take a breather.” He glanced at Luna. “Leave two of your men for first shift, and Vance and I will take second. Report back at oh eight hundred.”

“Copy that.” Luna nodded at Tyler and Harm. “They’ll stay. Ronan, Ty and I will be back in the morning. Call if anything changes.”

“That’s it?” Ty crossed his arms. “You’re going to leave her up here in an ivory tower and hope some sick bastard comes to her with a bomb? Even for you, that’s a long shot, Trefor.”

“It’s our only shot,” Trefor corrected. “We’re not going to risk fifty thousand fans next week at her last show.”

I didn’t comment, but I picked up on a particular word in his sentence. Luna and I were already working this behind the scenes. Whether Trefor let it slip that this was her last show ever or merely last on tour didn’t make a difference. There was something fucked going on.

“Well, if that’s all, gentlemen, I need some ice and Miss Narine needs sleep. We’ll reconvene in the morning.” Vance moved toward the door.

I let my gaze cut to her.

Staring at me, her hands clasped, her feet bare, she looked vulnerable as hell. She also looked like my brother had beaten the fuck out of her. A fresh wave of rage hit, but this time it was twofold. If she wanted to bed my asshole of a brother, that was on her.

I had no right to her.

But like a fucking fool, I stood there and let her eyes meet mine. Then I let every jealous thought surface and I gave her an in. All she had to do was give me a sign—any sign—and I’d take her out of here and get her so far off the grid, no one would find us.

She didn’t so much as blink.

Having my answer, I shut every shit emotion down and turned toward the door.

Luna and Ty followed, and no one said a damn thing until we were at the elevator.

“Whatever the real story is, I guarantee you that shit’s FUBAR.” Ty hit the call button. “Trefor’s never been sloppy, and everything about this is sideways.”

“Yep,” Luna agreed.

“So why the fuck did we just walk out?” Ty looked at me. “And why the hell are you so damn quiet?” He jerked his head back toward the suite. “If that’s your woman in there, what the fuck are you doing out here?”

“She’s not mine.” Not anymore. Maybe she never was.

“Right.” Ty snorted. “And your brother’s face isn’t beat to hell.”

The elevator arrived, saving me from answering.

Except Ty didn’t let it go. The doors slid shut, and he looked at me. “For real, what’s the deal?”

Fuck him. “There is no deal.”

“Right,” Ty challenged. “You just took one look at her freshly fucked self and decided to beat your brother for sport?”

“Drop it,” Luna warned him.

“You were pissed too,” Ty accused Luna. “You took her into the hall for a come-to-Jesus meeting. What if the woman just likes it rough?”

Luna turned on Ty. “I said drop it.”

Ty shook his head in disgust. “Fine, but we both know why you left Harm there.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I demanded.

Luna and Ty glanced at each other. Then Ty snorted, and Luna shook his head.

Goddamn it. “What?”

“You ever seen Harm pissed off?” Ty asked.

“No.” I barely knew him, but every interaction I’d had with him, he’d been calm. Almost too calm now that I thought about it.

Ty smirked. “Let’s just put it this way, unlike you, there won’t be anything left of your brother’s face if Harm gets mad.”

“That wasn’t me mad.” My brother was still conscious.

Ty looked me in the eye. “Exactly.”

My phone pinged with a new text, and I glanced at the unfamiliar number on the screen.

Your brother did not hurt me.

Three dots appeared, as if she was writing another text. Then they disappeared and no more messages came in.

I added the number to my contacts and waited.

Two minutes later, the dots appeared again. This time she hit send.

Songbird: I just wanted you to know that.

Against my better judgment, I typed a reply.

Me: I didn’t ask.

Songbird: I know, but I’m telling you.

Me: Telling me or justifying his sick behavior?

Songbird: That’s not fair.

Me: Life’s not fair.

Songbird: I didn’t

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