Heartless (Alpha Bodyguard #9) - Sybil Bartel Page 0,14

two floors booked, and she doesn’t plan to venture off the property.”

Ty smirked. “I give it two, three hours tops before some staffer tips off the paparazzi.”

“That’ll work to our advantage.” I shut down Luna’s laptop. “Once it gets out she’s here, the bomber should catch wind of it and hopefully he’ll show.”

Christensen addressed Luna. “NC Construction built that property. I will have my office email you the plans. Let me know if you need anything else.”

“Copy that,” Luna answered.

Neil tipped his chin at me, then silently left the conference room.

Tyler stood and gave me his signature pretty-boy grin. “Sanaa Narine.” Drawing her name out, he shook his head. “Damn, Pyro. I have to admit, I did not see that one coming.” He slapped me on the shoulder. “This is gonna be a fun week.”

Out of breath, lying on my back on the floor, I looked up at eyes that weren’t green or brown. They could’ve belonged to the love of my life, except there was no depth to them.

Perspiration across his brow, Vance smiled down at me. “You get better every time, love.” Kissing my forehead once, he pushed off me and fluidly stood with the strength of a panther. His back to me, he picked his belt up from where it lay strewn across the overturned coffee table.

My gaze cut to where his sleeve met his shoulder. “Your shirt’s ripped.”

Throwing me a heated glance, he winked. “You’re an animal, pet.”

“I’m not your pet.”

Chuckling, he leaned over me. “You sure about that?” He held his hand out.

I wasn’t sure about anything, the plan included. All three notes the bomber had left me played in my head on repeat, but the last one was the one that truly scared me.

Did you think you escaped with your life, Sanaa? Do you think you deserve everything you have? You don’t. You’re going to suffer like you made me suffer. Soon, very soon.

Vance’s eyebrows drew together for a split second as he studied my face then his expression turned smooth as silk. “Are you asking for another round?” His tone persuasive, his words calculated, he knew what he was doing

But this time, my body didn’t respond. I was tired. Bone-tired. And if I had to admit, scared. “I’m not your pet,” I repeated.

His trained expression cracked apart with a genuine smile, and he laughed. “Fair enough.” Dropping his belt, he grabbed me under the arms and lifted me up, easy as you please.

My muscles on strike, I feared my body wouldn’t hold its own weight, but when my feet hit the ground, my knees locked and, surprisingly, I stayed upright. “Thank you,” I murmured.

“You’re welcome, love.” Picking his belt back up, he nodded toward the bathroom. “Fix yourself up. Trefor’s on his way, and he’s bringing company.” Not bothering with the remaining buttons that hadn’t popped off, he pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it in a small wastebasket by the bar.

I watched the muscles on his back move around long slash scars as he rooted through his suitcase. It wasn’t the first time I’d seen them.

“Staring isn’t moving, love.” Pulling out a perfectly pressed and folded new shirt, he slid one arm in before turning to face me. A smile tipped half his mouth. “Need help?”

“How did you get the scars?”

Sliding his other arm in, he chuckled. “That’s not a first-date conversation, darling. Why don’t you wait until we’ve tousled the sheets some before you ask the intimate questions?”

My gaze strayed to the perfectly made bed. “We’re not dating.”

Buttoning his shirt as he walked toward me, he kissed me on the forehead again. “It’s nothing to worry your beautiful self about. Now get cleaned up before my brother really does kill me for putting my hands on you.” Stepping back and tucking his shirt in, Vance winked.

My heart somersaulted at the mention of his brother. Even though I was staring at his mirror image, there were moments when I was with Vance that I didn’t even think of Ronan, because Vance’s personality was so different.

And Vance was right. Despite Ronan giving me the cold shoulder, I wasn’t entirely sure he wouldn’t kill Vance if he walked in now and saw me. My long hair a tangled mess, my dress disheveled, I could already feel the fresh bruises forming.

Not wanting Ronan to see me like this, I turned toward the bathroom, but I didn’t even make it one step.

The door to the suite opened, and Adam walked in.

Then it was like

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