The Heart of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,77

in Gloria’s purse.”

“What?” Fiona screeched and turned to Gloria. “Momma? The murder weapon was in your purse?”

“Momma?” Emily asked. “Gloria is your mother?”

“You killed my husband?” Fiona wretched.

“Lucas was your husband?”

“You stupid girl! Shut up!” Gloria ordered between clenched teeth.

“No one was supposed to get killed, Momma, especially not my husband.” Angry tears began to flow down Fiona’s cheeks.

“You were the mastermind of this whole resort scheme?” Emily asked.

Gloria reached behind her and pulled the gun out of her bag and pointed it at Emily. “No one would suspect an old lady.”

“Get ready to move.” Emily heard Ernie give the order to his men.

“Not yet,” Emily mumbled.

“Hold up, fellas,” Ernie ordered.

“What did you say?” Gloria demanded, pushing the muzzle of the gun against Emily’s chest.

“I said, not yet—that anyone would suspect an old lady.” Emily raised her hands in surrender. “But they will.”

“Momma, you killed my husband!” Fiona cried. “How could you?”

“Pull yourself together, girl, if you want to get out of this. Now do as I say. Pop the lid on the trunk,” Gloria ordered Fiona.

“It was all her idea,” Fiona babbled as she opened the car door and reached for the trunk release. “She planned everything, even having me move here first so Lucas could hire me.”

“Stop talking, you idiot!” Gloria yelled, as she wagged the gun and motioned for Emily to move to the trunk. “Get in.”

“Are you going to kill me like you killed Lucas?” Emily asked, with her hands still raised. Adrenaline was pumping through her veins as she worked the two of them to confess on tape.

“We’re moving in.” Ernie’s voice came through the ear piece.

“No!” Emily erupted, wanting to stop the police from charging just yet.

“Stand down, men,” Ernie ordered.

“Let Ernie send the guys in now,” Colin snapped into Ernie’s mic.

“I’m not doing that.” Emily gave Gloria a steely stare, trying to force her hand.

“I’ll shoot you right here, then.” Gloria glanced around to see if anyone had eyes on her. She pressed the gun against Emily’s chest.

“Momma, no!” Fiona shouted.

In a split second, Emily’s hands flew down on the gun and she deftly twisted it out of the woman’s hand in one smooth motion. Gloria’s eyes grew big and she raised both hands. Taking a small step back, she bumped into the car as Emily pointed the gun at her.

“Please, Emily, don’t shoot her!” Fiona pleaded.

“Move in, boys.” Emily lowered the gun, keeping her eyes on the old girl. “You don’t think I’d hand you a purse with a loaded gun in it, do you?”

“Go, go, go!” She heard Ernie give the order. Several police officers raced from behind the shrubs and took Gloria and Fiona into custody, as a dark blue-and-white squad car squealed into the parking lot.

Maggie came running from the van and threw her arms around Emily. “Oh, Em, that was great.”

“Good job, Emily.” Ernie stepped in with congratulations, her slender hand completely swallowed in his bear claw. “But you had us all plenty worried when the old bat pulled the gun. I wish you’d let us in on the fact the gun was empty.”

“Sorry, Ernie, but what would have been the fun in that?” She grinned at him, then glanced around, looking for Colin. She saw him climbing out of the van and moving toward her, wiping the back of his hand over his eyes.

Ernie saw him, too. “He was real concerned about you, Em,” he whispered.

Colin stepped up and scooped Emily into his arms. His eyes were moist as he studied her face, then he drew her in so tightly she could hardly breathe. “What were you thinking?”

Maggie peeked up at Ernie and they turned and wandered away.

“I thought I was doing my job,” she squeaked.

“Ernie wanted to send in the troops, but you kept saying no. When that woman pulled the gun on you, I thought I was going to lose you.”

“I’m okay, see. I’m okay.” She gently cupped his face in her hands, meeting his gaze.

He loosened his hold a bit, but kept her firmly in his arms. “Don’t you ever pull a stunt like that again.”

“I can’t promise that.” Peering into his misty eyes, she saw genuine concern, forgetting for now her suspicions of him. “What I will do is promise to let you know the whole plan next time. Deal?”

“That’s better than nothing, I guess.” He lowered his eyes and looked away. His jaw twitched against her palm as her hands still tenderly cupped his face. She brought his gaze back to hers. Copyright 2016 - 2024