The Heart of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,62

her place and she’s all in a lather.”

“Is Josh there?” he asked, following Emily out the door.

“She said Alex just brought Josh home, so they’re both there—Isabel too.”

“With all those people there, why does she need you there too?” Colin opened the car door for her.

She paused and stared at him, resting her forearm on the top of the door. “You’re joking, right?”

“No, but from your tone I’m guessing I should be.” He skirted around the car and slipped in behind the wheel.

“Friends are there for you, Colin, when you’re going through the tough stuff,” she said, climbing into her seat and closing the door. “That’s what makes them friends.” She shifted in her seat to face him. “You know how I feel about that. And what she’s going through is more awful than what I had to. I can’t imagine anything worse than having your child accused of killing the man you loved.”

He looked at her for a moment without speaking, as if he was thinking through what she just said. Then he turned to check for traffic and pulled away from the curb.

“Weren’t your friends there for you when Miranda died?” Emily recalled him telling her what he’d gone through, trying to get past the pain and move on, but she didn’t remember him mentioning any friends at the time. His parents, yes, but not any friends.

“Guys aren’t like girls, Emily. We don’t get all emotional and touchy-feeling with each other—especially Marines. We’re told to buck up, don’t cry, be a man.”

He checked the rearview mirror, then straight ahead. He had both hands gripping hard on the steering wheel, and Emily noticed his knuckles clenching.

She reached out and put her hand gently on his forearm, sorry she had brought up the painful memories.

“Can you imagine my Marine buddies giving me a hug?” he asked, letting out a hollow laugh. “Or my fellow officers crying with me? Or wanting me to talk with them about my feelings?”

He checked the rearview again before taking a right turn onto Maggie’s street. “My family was there for me, but that was it.”

“Oh, Colin.” Emily sighed. She couldn’t imagine not having the support of close friends.

“I don’t have the kind of friendships you have, babe.” His expression softened as he glanced over at her briefly, eyes glistening. “Not that my buddies don’t care…”

Her chest tightened and she felt a small lump growing in her throat as she realized the pain this conversation was dredging up for him, so she decided to change the subject. She reached a hand up and lightly stroked the back of his neck. “Listen, why don’t I let you take me out to dinner tonight? A little food, a little wine, a little dancing—what do you say?”

Colin pulled the car over to the curb in front of Maggie’s charming little house and turned the engine off. He gently cupped her face in his hands and studied her eyes. “I think I’d like that.” He kissed her, softly at first, then more urgently, moving his hands to her back, pulling her toward himself.

When they came up for air, Emily drew in a breath and released a long sigh. “Whew,” she exclaimed as she fanned herself with her hand.

“Emily, I—”

Colin was interrupted by a rap on the car window.

Emily whipped her head around, startled. Isabel was standing outside the car. With her cheeks flushing dark pink, Emily pushed the button to lower the window.

“Sorry to have to break up the party, kids, but you’re wanted inside.” Isabel put a few fingers to her lips in exaggerated pretense to cover her giggles.

Blushing, Emily climbed out, knowing her friends had seen them from the house.

Colin came around the car, as well, and they all meandered into the cottage.

“Emily!” Maggie cried out as soon as Emily came through the door with Isabel and Colin trailing behind her. Maggie ran and threw her arms around her, and Emily returned the hug, patting her friend sympathetically on the back.

“It’ll be okay,” Emily said, trying to soothe her friend’s frazzle over having her house torn apart. She could hear voices and movement, like drawers and cabinets slamming, coming from the rear of the house, out of one of the bedrooms. “Where’s Josh?”

Maggie released her embrace. “He’s out back on the deck with Alex and Sully. The detective said it was best if they stayed out of the way.”

“Let me go see what I can find out for you,” Colin offered, skirting around the women and stalking down Copyright 2016 - 2024