The Heart of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,47

that kind of help to Maggie. Sure, Isabel could give an assist, she had the FBI connections, but as an overworked financial analyst, she couldn’t take the lead.

“I’ll try to make it over there tonight,” Emily promised before hanging up.

“How’s Maggie?” Colin asked, picking up the tray of marinating meat.

“Sleeping for now, but I should go see her tonight. Everyone’s going to be there with her for dinner—everyone except me.” Even she could hear the sadness in her voice, knowing she should be with her friend, but that she chose to stay away a little while longer.

“We could go, you know. This meat will keep.” Colin set the tray down on the counter and moved to stand closer.

“Maybe later,” Emily said, slipping off the stool. She slid her arms around his torso and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her snuggly into an embrace. She laid her head against his strong chest and listened to beat of his heart.

“I don’t understand. Why are you holding back, Em?” He gently kissed the top of her head. “That isn’t like you.”

“Self-preservation, I guess. The situation hits a little too close to home.”

“For me, too,” he whispered.

She had been so consumed with her own feelings, for a moment she forgot about his. Guilt pricked her and she forced her eyes to meet his. She noticed they glistened with emotion—turning the guilt from a prick to a sharp stab.

“I’m sorry, I was so self-absorbed, I wasn’t thinking about your loss.” She laid her head back down against his chest.

He did not reply, but his arms tightened around her and she felt safe, hearing the soft thumping rhythm of his heart. They stood clinging to each other and the world seemed to fade away.

“I would be a wreck without you,” she muttered.

“Not you, babe. You’re a rock.”

Emily felt his hold loosen. She pulled back a little and looked up into his face. “Maybe on the outside, but total mush on the inside.”

“Just the way I like you,” he quipped, a slow smile spreading across his face. His head dipped close and he covered her lips with his. He kissed her tenderly and she felt a gentle sensation radiate down to her toes.

Emily had missed his kisses and his warm hands gently caressing her body. These last few months apart had been agony. As much as she would prefer to spend their brief time alone in each other’s arms, she knew it would mostly be spent working the case. Priorities dictated it.

Maggie needed Emily. Emily needed Colin.

Disrupting their private moment, the ringtone on her cell phone began to jingle.

“Phone,” she murmured.

“Let it ring.” Colin moved in for another kiss.

“Can’t,” she chirped. “Could be important.”

He groaned and released her.

She grabbed her phone off the counter. “Hello.”

“Em, this is Isabel. Do you have a minute?”

Emily glanced up at Colin with a grin. “Can it wait? I’m kind of in the middle of something.”

“It’s about Jethro.”

“Jethro,” Emily repeated. She shot Colin a serious look as she settled onto a stool.

“I don’t want to talk about it over the phone. Are you coming to Maggie’s later?”

“Yes, Colin and I.”

“We can talk then.”

Emily clicked her phone off and set it on the counter.

“Who’s Jethro?” Colin asked.

“A retired FBI agent. He’s the one I showed the old photo to, the one of Evan and the woman.”

“He has news for you?”

“I don’t know. Isabel didn’t want to talk about it over the phone. I guess we’re going to Maggie’s this evening, after all,” Emily said, scrunching up one corner of her mouth.

“Then we better get back to business. Now where were we?” Colin leaned in, as she sat perched on the stool. His lips met hers, warm and moist. Just when she was relaxing into the kiss a sharp knock came at the front door.

“Expecting anyone?” he questioned, looking in the direction of the noise.

“No.” She slid off the stool and padded to the front door. Colin trailed closely behind her. Emily could see sandy blonde hair skimming the bottom of the little windows spread across the top of her front door.

“I think it’s Sully,” she whispered over her shoulder.

She opened the door and found the mayor standing on her porch, dressed in casual jeans and an un-tucked button-down shirt.

“Hello, Sully,” she greeted politely.

“If I could have a few minutes of your time, I really need to talk to you, Emily.” The dark shadows under his eyes were evidence he hadn’t been sleeping, and she detected a slight quiver in his voice.

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