The Heart of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,31

so I was hopin’ this one would be magical and romantic, with a big white weddin’ dress—the whole shebang.” Maggie’s big blue eyes moistened and her lips thinned as she appeared to be fighting off the disappointment.

“We’ll see what we can do,” Emily assured her, patting her hand. “Let’s make some plans. Guest list first so we can get the invitations out right away, then we’ll set a time to go shopping this week for everything else.”

“I knew I could count on you, Em.” Maggie’s expression brightened.

Emily took on a serious tone. “You know you can always count on me, Maggie, but I have to ask you…” She paused, trying to find the best way to say what was in her heart.

“What is it?” Maggie’s countenance grew serious as well.

“Are you certain you’re making the right decision? Marrying Lucas before you have a chance to truly get to know him?”

“What are you sayin’? You don’t like him?”

“I’m saying Isabel and I—”

“Y’all have been discussin’ me and Lucas?” Maggie spoke as if she felt betrayed.

“Listen to me, Maggie. Isabel and I are just concerned. We want nothing more than happiness for you, but we want to make sure you’re doing the right thing.” Emily could see she had upset Maggie, but this was too important to just drop it. “How much do you really know about him? About his background? Who he was before you met him?”

“We’ve talked for hours and hours over the past few months. He’s never given me any reason to doubt what he’s told me—or that he loves me.”

“He may not be who you think he is.”

“Like Evan?” Maggie asked pointedly. “Just because you’re findin’ out Evan wasn’t who he said he was doesn’t mean every man is like that.”

“It has nothing to do with Evan,” Emily snapped back, hoping she was right. Camille had also accused her of projecting her suspicions of Evan onto Lucas, and she had vehemently denied it. Could they be right?

“Are you sure?” Maggie questioned.

“Did you know Lucas had an argument with Sully at the party last night?” Emily asked, arching an eyebrow, trying to direct the discussion away from Evan.

“No. I did notice Sully left without sayin’ good-bye, but Lucas told me there was some city emergency he had to deal with.”

“Did you know he had a fight with your son, too?”

“With Josh? If that’s true, why didn’t Josh say anythin’ to me about it?

“Where is Josh? Let’s ask him,” Emily posed.

“Uh, I don’t know. We didn’t really talk last night and he’s been gone all day. I assume he’s out with his buddies, doin’ something with them while he’s home.

“Why don’t I give him a call?” Emily pulled her phone out of her purse.

“You don’t need to do that,” Maggie protested.

Emily raised a hand to shush Maggie.

“Josh, this is Emily. I’m at your mom’s and we were wondering if you’d be home for supper?” Emily met Maggie’s gaze as she talked.

“No, sorry. I should have let her know, I guess. Is she okay?” he asked.

“Fine. We’re going over some final details for the wedding. Why do you ask?”

“So she’s still going through with it.” Josh spat.

Why wouldn’t she? What did he know? Emily heard the tension in his voice and sensed he was not pleased with the prospect of this marriage either. Her eyes lowered as she tried to get a read on him.

“I’m headed over to Lucas’s office. There’s something we need to hash out.”

“Josh, is there something you want to get off your chest?” Emily asked, hoping to snag a clue what this conflict between Josh and Lucas was about. She glanced over at Maggie, whose eyes were riveted on Emily’s side of the conversation.

“I don’t want to talk about it right now,” he snarled.

“But, Josh—”

“Not now,” he barked. “After I have it out with Lucas, I’ll come home and tell my mom everything. I want you to be there, too, Em. She’s going to need you.” The line went dead.

“What did he say?” Maggie wrapped her arms around herself.

“He said he was going to have a talk with Lucas, then he’d be home.”

“A talk? What does that mean?” Maggie pressed.

Emily shrugged her shoulders. “He said he’d be home afterward and explain. So let’s give him the chance to do that, okay?” She tried to downplay it and not expose to Maggie the anger she’d heard in Josh’s voice.

“Okay,” Maggie reluctantly agreed.

“Didn’t you say we’d be having dinner together, too? I’m getting kind of hungry,” Emily said, changing Copyright 2016 - 2024