The Heart of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,22

a thorn in her side.

Emily glanced at the clock. Six thirty. The sun was just starting to come up as she padded barefoot down the hallway. The dawning light cast uneven shadows which gave her a chill that slithered up her back as she remembered that someone had recently invaded her quiet domain. She glanced around, then stepped into the kitchen, and turned on the coffee maker. She moved to the breakfast bar and perched on a stool to wait.

Tapping her nails on the counter while the coffee sputtered into the pot, she wondered what she could do to find out what Lucas was really up to. She’d make a point to talk to Isabel today.

Soon, a fully caffeinated Emily slipped into her jeans and t-shirt and decided to hit the shooting range to get in some practice. She half-wished she had a self-defense class that morning or a kick-boxing session to work out some of her tension.


As Emily left the shooting range, pleased with the close cropping of bullet holes on her paper targets, she received a call from Camille. Maggie had phoned Camille first thing in the morning, she said, and asked her to plan an engagement party for the coming weekend.

“It’s going to be a casual affair, just close friends and family. Maggie wants a barbecue—chicken, ribs, the whole thing. I’m having the party at my house this Friday night at seven. You’ll be there, won’t you?”

“I’d love to come. I know I’m not the best cook, but is there anything I can bring?” Emily asked, trying to sound pleased.

“I think I have everything covered.”

“Camille, can I ask you something?” Emily’s voice grew serious.

“What is it, Em?”

“Don’t you think this is kind of sudden?”

“It is rather fast, I have to admit, but Maggie’s no spring chicken. She says she’s met the man of her dreams and she’s ready to take the plunge. Why do you ask?”

“Just seems awfully soon to me. We don’t actually know Lucas very well. What if he’s not what he seems?” Emily asked, trying not to expose all of her concerns.

“Do you think you might be feeling that way because you discovered your Evan was not who he said he was? Perhaps you’re projecting your suspicions about Evan onto Lucas?”

Camille’s question stung, but Emily had to consider that she might have a point. “You could be right. Maybe they’ll have a long engagement.”

“Oh, Em, hasn’t Maggie told you?”

“Told me what?” Emily asked nervously.

“They’re getting married two weeks from this Saturday.”

“Oh, Camille, that’s too fast. What’s the rush? She’s not pregnant, is she?” Emily asked, praying the answer was no.

“No, she’s not pregnant,” Camille chuckled.

“Whew! That’s a relief,” Emily sighed.

“It’s funny you should say that, though. I asked her the same thing. She told me they haven’t even slept together yet.”

“Really?” Emily was glad for that bit of news.

“She said Lucas told her he was old fashioned and wanted to wait for the wedding night.”

“Old fashioned?”

Camille ignored Emily’s query, not offering further comment on it. “Oh, and the best part, I almost forgot to tell you—Maggie said she called Josh last night and told him about the engagement. He told her he’d already planned to be here in the next day or two, and he’ll be able to stay for a couple of weeks or so. That might be why Maggie wants the wedding so soon, so her son can be there.”

“Could be. It’ll be great to see that kid again. I’m sure Maggie is thrilled.”

“Over the moon is how she put it,” Camille replied.

“What about Lucas’s friends and family? Can they get here that quickly?”

“Don’t know, Maggie didn’t say. I guess we’ll see.”


As soon as she finished her conversation with Camille, Emily phoned Maggie.

“Hey, Em, I was just fixin’ to call ya,” Maggie said. “I wanted to invite y’all to my engagement party Friday night.”

“I just got off the phone with Camille and she filled me in.”

“Then y’all already heard that the weddin’ is goin’ to be two weeks from Saturday?”

“Yeah, Cam told me. Where are you holding it?” Emily asked.

“Well, that’s another reason for my call. I was wonderin’ if we could have it in y’all’s backyard. You have such a beautiful garden, all the flowers and rose bushes, and that lovely white gazebo that Evan built would be perfect. It’s goin’ to be a small, intimate weddin’ and I just thought…”

“Absolutely, Maggie, anything for my friends.” Although Emily was happy to offer the garden, the truth was she hadn’t been back Copyright 2016 - 2024