Heart of Fire (Blood of Zeus #2) - Meredith Wild Page 0,25


“He’s the son of Zeus.”

He blinks once. Twice. Then leans back in his chair with a fierce shake of his head. “That’s nearly unbelievable.”

“Nearly. But not impossible. His mother is mortal. She’s always been elusive about his paternity, and now we know why.”

“So you’re sure?”

“My mother is sure.”

If Zeus passed my mother’s appraisal, I have no doubt he is who he says he is. Plus, Kell would sniff out a fraud in our midst in no time.

Gramps acknowledges that with a tilt of his head. “All right. So you’ve been out on the town with a demigod.” He pauses a beat. “Veronica must think this quite a coup. Her entire existence revolves around moving up in the world. This moves her up in nearly every realm. She couldn’t have planned this better.”

I wince at my grandfather’s quick assumptions, partly because none of that ever occurred to me. My mother’s meddling and superficiality have always been so transparent. Or so I’ve thought.

“She’s never said that,” I add quietly, unwilling to completely submit to his theory. “She seemed upset because the underworld had already sent someone for me. That obviously created a few wrinkles in her grand plan.” I pause, remembering how smoothly she transitioned into her new agenda for me. “She’s definitely approached this mission of launching Maximus into the public eye with typical Veronica Valari vigor, though. Maybe even a little extra punch of enthusiasm, but that’s how she is sometimes. I’m her new project. She lives for this kind of thing.”

Like Kell’s social following. Like Jaden’s film career. She finally gets to mold me and my life the way she’s been dying to for years. More, she’s trying to keep me safe. Alive. Above the surface. I want to believe that’s higher on her priority list than moving herself further up in the world.

Gramps doesn’t appear moved. He drags his hand over his salt-and-pepper-stubbled cheek. “Yes, well, it’s always been about the family. Turning the Valaris into a Hollywood dynasty. She’s taken the whole matter of breeding out your humanity to a different level. I can’t imagine any demon has ever participated in a human’s punishment with such self-serving bravado as she has. Even your grandmother couldn’t be bothered with the human world for very long.”

“Maybe because that’s all Grandmother was—a pureblood demon. Sometimes I forget that Mom is more human than I am. I don’t think that necessarily makes her more compassionate or kind-spirited than the rest of us, but perhaps she feels more connected to earthly things because of it. Or maybe she’s trying to make up for the fact that…”

I let the words die on my lips. Even if my siblings and I have thought it, we’ve never dared bring it up. Not out loud.

Gramps frowns. “What?”

I glance around, paranoid my mother will suddenly appear through one of the windows, even though she rarely, if ever, ventures to this part of the estate’s grounds.

“Unless you consider concocting an international media spectacle a special gift, Mom doesn’t have any extra abilities. Not like us, I mean. I can pick up on how she’s feeling before she even knows. Kell can sniff the truth out of anyone. And Jaden can catch a conversation the neighbors are having two doors down.”

He nods in quiet agreement.

“Maybe that’s why she’s so determined to make a mark here. On earth. Doing what she does best.”

“If that’s the case, she’s being incredibly short-sighted. She’ll get a few hits of splashy news, but she’ll lose far more.” He swallows hard, his expression growing tight. New tension radiates off him. “She’s not protecting you with any of this, Kara. If anything, you’re in more danger than you were before.”

Pricklings of fear race down my spine with his words, uttered so solemnly that I’m almost compelled to believe him without further explanation.

“Zeus is trying to work something out,” I offer, hoping to reassure him and slow my sprinting heart rate. “With Maximus being his son, he thinks we can strike some sort of agreement. Until then, they shouldn’t come for me if I’m in plain sight.”

“If you’re talking about Hades’s minions, then you may be right. But there are others who have a far less diplomatic approach to vengeance.”

“I don’t think this is about vengeance, Gramps. We both know they’ve been making an example of you—”

He laughs roughly. It’s enough to cut me short.

“You don’t think Zeus fathering another illegitimate son would spark vengeance in anyone?”

My thoughts fly and tumble with this new rationale. I give

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