Heart of the Demon - By Cynthia Garner Page 0,91

on the ground beneath the now dead vamp, Keira projected a feeling of lust and pride toward him. “I couldn’t miss this, Stefan,” she said, putting just a bit of whine in her voice. “I want to be with you during your time of triumph.” She continued moving forward, keeping one eye on the gal who, when Stefan hadn’t sounded the alarm, turned back to the array.

In her peripheral vision Keira saw Finn put his hands on the laptop guy. She started talking to cover up the sound of the man’s neck breaking as Finn twisted his head. She pushed a little harder, focusing her empathy directly on Stefan.

He relaxed, his face going a little slack, and let her get closer. But as soon as she reached him he seemed to overcome her empathetic push. He let out a little growl and said, “Why are you covered in blood? If it’s not yours, as you say, then whose is it?” He looked over her shoulder. His eyes widened and she had no doubt he had seen the stone doorway was ajar. He reached out for her, his face dark with rage, but Finn jumped forward and punched him in the face.

Stefan staggered back, but quickly recovered and launched himself at Finn with a roar of fury. Keira drew her dagger and headed toward the young woman who stood at the antenna array, the woman’s face holding an expression of indecision. “Make your choice,” Keira told her. She hefted the dagger. “I’ve already taken out a vamp with this. Don’t underestimate my skills or my determination.”

“I…I’m only here because of my boyfriend,” she stammered.

The young woman didn’t smell more than fifty or so years old. She’d probably been born here on Earth, of two fey parents who had most likely kept her very sheltered.

“Go,” Keira said. “And don’t come back.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. She took off running.

Keira turned to face the other two prets coming toward her. One was a demon—a big, tall man with gleaming yellow eyes and nasty written all over his flat face. The other one, a werewolf by the smell of him, was smaller than the demon but still bigger than she was.

“Don’t think you’re going to scare us with that little dagger,” the demon said. “As soon as we get through with you, we’re going to take care of your friend there.” He looked entirely too enthusiastic about the prospect for her comfort.

She couldn’t let them get to Finn, not while he was grappling with Stefan. She had no doubt he could hold his own against two, but three was pushing it, even for him. The demon and werewolf came at her together, and she ducked and struck out with her dagger, catching the werewolf along his ribcage as she rolled out of the way.

“You’re gonna pay for that,” he snarled.

“Yeah, yeah,” she muttered.

The rest of the fight went by in silence punctuated only by the grunts and growls of the combatants. She took a punch to the face. The flash of pain across her cheekbone made her eyes water. She swiped them away and lashed out with one foot, catching the werewolf in the midsection and knocking the breath from him.

The demon reached for her, and she heard Finn say, “Don’t let him touch you, Keira. He’s Surtur.”

Her eyes widened. She bobbed and weaved, eluding the Surtur’s reach. She’d never met one before, but she’d heard of them. They were the fire giants of legend and were the worst of the worst.

She tried to keep the machine at her back, and keep her eyes on both assailants, without success. The werewolf grabbed her from behind, his arms trapping hers at her sides. She struggled, bucking and twisting, but couldn’t break his hold.

The Surtur started forward with an unholy glee glittering in his eyes. “You picked the wrong side, sweetheart. Now it’s time for you to die.”

Keira’s heart pounded against her ribs. She wet her dry lips and waited for him to get close enough. Then with a soft grunt she pushed her feet off the ground and slammed them into his chest. The action knocked him back several feet, and it also rocked the werewolf off balance. His arms loosened. Not by much, but it was enough.

She broke free and slashed out with her dagger, catching the werewolf behind one knee. He went down with a yelp, holding his leg. She knew if he’d fed recently he wouldn’t be down for long because his metabolism

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