Heart of the Demon - By Cynthia Garner Page 0,69

Finn. “Or was I misinformed when I was told the two of you have a relationship?”

“I wouldn’t exactly call it a relationship,” Keira hedged. She didn’t want this insane vampire to know how much Finn had come to mean to her. She wouldn’t give him that kind of leverage over her. “We’re not a couple or anything.”

“So, it’s a friends with benefits sort of thing?” Stefan barked a laugh. “All the better. None of those messy emotions to get in the way.”

He laid out the plan, and Keira bit back a sigh at learning she was to swap out yet more diamonds, though this time at another store.

And Finn was to be her lookout. Like it wouldn’t be odd for a guy like him to be in a jewelry store. She said as much to Stefan.

Finn’s “Hey! What d’ya mean, a guy like me?” was largely ignored.

Stefan said, “I see your point.” He looked Finn over. “He’s a big guy, good-looking enough, I suppose, but rather brutish. And that leather.” He shook his head.

Keira looked Finn over, too, and privately disagreed. He’d look good in anything he wore, even though she’d only ever seen him in, and out of, jeans. She bet he looked downright tasty in a tuxedo.

Stefan snapped his fingers, dragging her attention back to him. A glint lit his eyes. “Go in as a newly engaged couple looking for diamonds to create your perfect engagement ring.”

That wouldn’t do at all. She couldn’t go in and make googly eyes at Finn, pretending to be his fiancée. It would be too awkward and make her think all sorts of thoughts she shouldn’t have, about Finn and a future. “I’m not sure that will work,” she murmured. “I mean, we don’t exactly look like we go together.”

She ignored the disgruntled look Finn shot her way. She knew what Stefan saw when he looked at them. Finn was tall, broad, and aggressive, wearing his usual T-shirt, jeans, heavy boots, and leather coat. She was slender, gentle in demeanor, and wore a designer dress with shoes that cost as much as his coat had, if not more.

“Hmm. You may be right.” Liuz stared at Keira. “You’re a creative type, right? Let it slip that you’re an artist designing your own ring. The store owner will eat that shit up.” He pulled a familiar envelope out of the inner pocket of his suit coat and handed it to Keira. “At least three diamonds this time, please.”

“Of course,” she murmured.

“Go. Now.”

“Now?” Keira stared at him. “I was able to do the other job with little notice, but with two of us it takes some planning. I need to know where the cameras are, what kind of security they have—”

“That’s what he’s there for,” Stefan said, nodding toward Finn. “Let him act a little suspiciously, which should draw their focus away from you.” He took her hand in his again and this time brought it to his mouth. He pressed his lips to her knuckles. “I have faith in you,” he whispered. His pupils had dilated and she sensed a wave of pheromones directed her way. She should use this to her advantage, and if she wasn’t so completely disgusted by him, she would.

“We should be on our way, then,” Finn said, and gently wrapped his fingers around her upper arm. His action moved her hand away from Stefan’s mouth.

The vampire straightened, his hard gaze going to Finn. “Yes, you should get moving,” he said, though the look on his face promised retribution for Finn’s continued lack of obeisance.

As they walked out of the room and down the hallway toward the stairs and the exit, Keira jerked her arm out of his grasp. “What is wrong with you?” she demanded.

Finn didn’t respond until they were out in the parking lot. “What do you mean?”

“You know perfectly well what I mean.” She stared at him, frowning. “Why are you being so adversarial with Stefan?”

“Oh, you’re on a first-name basis with him, are you?” Finn shoved his hands in his pockets. His eyes glittered with demon gold and bad humor.

“I’m informal that way,” she murmured. Then she laughed. “There’s no need for you to be getting your knickers in a twist, boyo. You’re the one for me. And anyway, stop changing the subject.” She headed toward her car. “You keep trying to alienate him, and you’re going to get your head handed to you.”

“On a platter, no doubt.” He sauntered after her.

She stopped beside her car and

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