Heart of the Demon - By Cynthia Garner Page 0,65

stubbornly silent for all of two seconds. “Oh, fine,” he burst out, desperation raw in his strained voice. “I couldn’t help myself. With the economy in the slump it is, there are so many people who are depressed and anxious. It’s a veritable feast out there for those of us who feed on the misery of others.” His expression turned placating. “I’ll admit I was a little gluttonous. But I got really hungry, that’s all.” A pleading light entered his pale eyes. He made wide gestures with his hands. “I know we’re not supposed to feed where we live. I won’t do it again, I swear.”

Finn pursed his lips. Julius had nearly caused the death of one human, but at this point the police had decided it had been a suicide attempt, and the family didn’t seem to be fighting that conclusion. The Davises had been having marital trouble for some time now. Hell, the wife had admitted she’d often fantasized about Bobbittizing her husband. She’d obviously mistaken one head for the other, but she’d been docile enough when the police had taken her away. Maybe some time under psychiatric care would actually help her. And her husband could use the time apart to be grateful he still had his penis.

“You realize, don’t you, that I’d be well within my rights to end you, right here. Right now.” Finn held the other demon’s gaze. “But I’m going to let you off with a warning, Julius. No more screwups like this. Or I’ll be back, and I won’t be so lenient next time.”

Julius gave a nod. His brows furrowed. “Why do you care?” He leaned forward. In a whisper he confided, “I’ve seen you at the meetings. What do you care if humans get more upset than they already are? After the next Influx it won’t matter. We’ll be the ones in charge for a change. So again, why do you care?”

“I care because my employer cares,” Finn responded in a hard voice. It wasn’t the complete truth, not anymore. In dealing with the fanaticism that seemed to trail Liuz, Finn suspected that humans would have a hell of a time if prets took over. Whatever was dished out to humans would be heaped upon demons, especially by vampires. The blood feuds of old would look like nursery school parties by comparison.

He had a moment of feeling a bit off his game as he realized he hadn’t seen Julius at either of the meetings he’d attended. He knew why, too. He’d been too damned distracted keeping an eye on Keira.

Keira, who’d given him the best sex of his life the day before. Keira, who he had yet to call. To be honest, he needed some distance to try to sort out what he was feeling. To do his best to keep things in their proper perspective, and this last little bit of conversation with Julius was proof enough of that. Hell. So why hadn’t he called? He’d told her to believe it when he said he cared. And he loved being with her. She made him want to be better, and when he was with her he could more clearly see the life he wanted. But he couldn’t be sure she had the same depth of feelings for him.

He pushed all that back and responded to Julius. “I still have a job to do. An employer to keep happy. After the next rift…Well, we’ll have to wait and see about that, won’t we?” He stood and pushed his chair up to the table. “In the meantime, you’d better walk the straight and narrow, my friend. Or there’s gonna be the devil to pay.”

He stared at Julius a moment longer and then left the club. Getting back on his bike, he sat for a few seconds and rotated his tight shoulders. It hadn’t been all that long ago that, emotionally, he’d been where Julius was. Did what he wanted, when he wanted, and didn’t care about anyone but himself. He’d been spoiled. Childlike in his self-centeredness like many of the demons he’d handled. With Keira in the mix, though, he got how important his mission was.

So for now, he would keep sane by reminding himself that it would all be over in a little over a week. And if all went according to plan, he’d be a free man. Free from his servitude with Lucifer. And free to explore a life with Keira without having to worry about her safety.

Chapter Thirteen

Keira sat

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