Heart Bones - Colleen Hoover Page 0,31

I’ve fed him, but maybe that’s not such a bad thing. I could use the company of something that doesn’t judge me.


The dog’s ears perk up at the sound of my name. I look up and around, trying to locate the person who just yelled, but I don’t see anyone.

“Up here!”

I look at the house catty-cornered to this one on the second row behind a vacant beachfront lot. There’s a guy standing on the edge of an extremely high roof. He’s so high up, it takes me a few seconds before I realize the guy is Samson.

He waves me over, and like an idiot, I look around to make sure he’s talking to me, even though he specifically said my name.

“Come here!” he yells.

Samson is shirtless. I feel as pathetic and as hungry as this dog when I immediately stand up.

I look down at the dog. “I’ll be right back. Stay here.”

As soon as I start to walk across the street, the dog follows me.

I walk into the yard that contains the house Samson is standing on top of. He’s dangerously close to the edge of the roof now, looking down. “Take the stairs to the front door. Then take the first door on the left in the hallway. It leads to the roof access. I want to show you something.”

I can see the sweat glistening on his skin from down here, so I look at my feet for a second, trying to figure out what to do. I haven’t necessarily had the best interactions with him. Why would I expose myself to more of that?

“I’m scared of heights!” I say loudly, looking up at him.

Samson laughs. “You aren’t scared of anything, get up here.”

I don’t like how he says that with such confidence, like he knows me. But he’s right. I’m not scared of much. I turn to the dog and point next to the stairs. “Stay.” The dog walks over to the spot I pointed at and sits. “Damn, dog. You are so smart.”

I head up the stairs to the front door. Should I knock? I do, but no one answers.

I’m assuming Samson is the only one here or he would have come down to let me in himself.

I push the door open and feel extremely weird being in an unfamiliar house. I quickly head for the door on the left and open it. It’s a stairwell that leads all the way up to a small, enclosed circular seating area at the top of the stairs. It’s shaped like the top of a lighthouse and is situated in the center of the house. It’s encased in windows with a 360-degree view.

It’s stunning. I don’t know why every house doesn’t have one of these. I’d come up here every night and read a book.

One of the windows opens onto the roof and Samson is waiting for me, holding it open.

“This is really cool,” I say, looking out. It takes me a moment to work up courage before I can step onto the roof. I’m not actually afraid of heights like I said earlier, but this house is on stilts, and there are two floors on top of those stilts.

Samson takes my hand and helps me out and onto the roof before closing the window.

I inhale a shaky breath when I get situated because I didn’t realize how high up we were until this moment. I don’t dare look down.

Everything looks different from up here. Because of the height of this roof, all the other houses seem small in comparison.

There are loose shingles lying in a pile next to a toolbox at Samson’s feet. “Is this one of your five rent houses?”

“No. Just helping my friend Marjorie. She’s got a leak.” The roof up here has two levels, one just a couple of feet higher than the other. Samson steps onto the second level and puts his hands on his hips. “Come here.”

Once I’m standing next to him, he points in the opposite direction of the ocean. “You can see the sunset over the bay from up here.”

I look in the direction he’s pointing and the sky is ablaze on the other side of the peninsula. Reds and purples and pinks and blues, all swirled together.

“Marjorie has the tallest house in the neighborhood. You can see the entire peninsula.”

I spin in a slow circle, admiring the view. The bay is lit up with splashes of colors so bright, it looks like a filter. I can see the entire beach as

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