Heart Beats (Joker's Sin #3) - Davidson King Page 0,62

along with it in the hopes that he had a plan.

“Fine.” I sat on the stool and watched as Charles fixed us three drinks. I wasn’t taking my eyes off him for a second, lest he poison me.

None of the drinks were fancy, just some whisky Ledger had. Once they were ready, he held up his tumbler. “A toast to old lovers and new.” I halfheartedly lifted my glass.

“Charles.” Ledger put his drink down and gave him an almost convincing smile. “Maybe we can let Shane leave, and the two of us can have some quiet time together?”

He really had to let this go. “Ledger—”

“Quiet,” Charles snapped. “Shane goes when and if I say. I’m honestly quite angry with you, Ledger. We need to work out our issues. I tried to send you songs to show my love. You never once returned the sentiment.”

“How could I? I didn’t know where you were.” Ledger moved next to Charles. “You would send these songs and gifts and disappear. How was I supposed to find you?”

Charles’s rigid form relaxed as soon as Ledger placed his hands on his shoulders.

“You’re right. I’m sorry I was so upset.” He swallowed his drink and smiled at Ledger. “I saw you making those mistakes. First with Trinity. What were you thinking, sweetheart?”

I could practically feel the pain emanating off Ledger at the sound of Trinity’s name. He was trying to play along but I could see it…the flinch.

“I don’t know. You weren’t there,” Ledger answered.

“Well, I’m here now.” He caressed the side of Ledger’s face with his hand and I wanted to puke. Charles spun on his heel and was facing me. “I took care of one of your distractions, my love, I’ll deal with this one too.”

“Wait.” Ledger took Charles’s hand. “Let’s just let him go. I want to be with you.”

I wasn’t sure how much Charles was buying Ledger’s act, and I wasn’t going to find out because the doorbell chimed.

“Expecting someone?” Charles asked.

“Well, if you must know, I am. If I don’t answer the door, they’ll worry.”

“And who are you expecting? Another whore?” Charles slammed his hand on the counter. “When will it end, Ledger?”

“Calm down—”

“Do not! Don’t you tell me to calm down.” I looked over toward the elevator when I heard a ding. Charles was too busy having a freak-out to know someone was coming up.

“Okay, you’re right, I’m sorry. Please calm…I mean, please don’t be upset.” When Ledger grabbed Charles and held him much like how he’d held me, there was a moment I wanted to puke…then rip Charles’s arms off.

When the elevator doors opened, Charles’s eyes darted over to it. But no one was there. The elevator was empty.

I made to go toward the elevator, but the sound of a gun cocking made me freeze. “I don’t think so,” Charles said. “Have a seat.”

“Charles, why do you have a gun?” Ledger said.

“Oh, please, Ledger, don’t play with me. I see what you’re doing. You’ll never love me while this redheaded hussy is alive. Just like Trinity.”

When he pointed the gun at me, it all happened at once. Ledger grabbed Charles’s arm, a shot rang in the air, the side door opened where Ledger had a stairwell, and men ran into the room.

“Ledger!” I shouted.

The men were trying to intervene, but Ledger and Charles were fighting, and there was a gun in the middle of them. At one point it appeared that Ledger got the upper hand and was on top of Charles, but suddenly Ledger was kicked backward, his back slammed against the refrigerator.

“You fucking whore!” Charles turned around, pointed the gun at me, and pulled the trigger.

Like I said, it all happened so fast, and I found myself waiting for the pain, but it never came. Ledger had jumped in front of me and lay in a pool of blood at my feet.

“Oh, my God.” Collapsing to the ground, I took him in my arms. The men in the room pointed guns at Charles, telling him to drop his weapon, but Charles was too far gone.

“You did this!” He was talking to me and once again aimed the gun at me. A load roar echoed in the place and Lion swooped down, landing on Charles’s head, squawking and pecking.

Charles’s dropped his gun, and the men didn’t hesitate. They tackled him to the ground. I didn’t know what was going on around me anymore; Ledger’s face was pale, almost ashy, and there was too much blood.

“Why’d you do that?” I

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