Heart Beats (Joker's Sin #3) - Davidson King Page 0,60

over the bandage.

“What the fuck happened?” I snapped. These guys were here to protect him, and the first time he leaves my place he gets broken?

I rushed over to Shane and tenderly took his hand. He opened his eyes and gave me a small smile.

“I’m okay, Ledger. It was my fault.”

“How was this your fault? Did you slip on something and hit your head?” I supposed that was a thought…again, I reacted without finding out.

“No. My landlord came to fix the leak and had to get something in his truck. When he left my place, I forgot to lock the door behind him. Neil wasn’t here yet, and I promised Ciro I would stay put, not answer the door for anyone but Neil or my landlord. But I left the door unlocked.” The way Shane said “unlocked” was pure devastation.

“What happened?”

He placed the bag of peas on the coffee table. The bandage had a small red circle on it, but it didn’t look like he was bleeding hard anymore.

“It was Charles. He must’ve followed me here. He’s smart, that’s for sure. We were talking—well, more like he was spouting crazily to me about his infatuation with you. He’s lost it, Ledger. I don’t think anyone will be able to reason with him.”

“He did this?” I cupped Shane’s face in my hands and so softly kissed beside the bandage.

“One minute we were talking; then he hit me. When I woke up, Neil was looming over me, and Charles was gone.”

“I heard a noise and pushed the door open,” Neil said, and I looked over at the door and saw the doorframe was splintered. “Shane was out cold.”

“Did you see Charles?”

“I think he got out through the fire escape.” Shane pointed to the window off from his kitchen. “It’s the only other way out of here. When he heard Neil, he must’ve made a run for it.”

“We should go to the hospital,” Gary said, but Shane was already shaking his head.

“I’ve had enough of hospitals. I’m fine, really. A little dizzy and a nice-sized bump, but I’m okay.”


“No, Ledger, I’m fine. If it gets worse, I’ll go. Right now I just want to get out of here and go back to your place.”

“Did the landlord ever come back?” Gary turned to Neil.

“Yeah, he said he’d work on it later. Was worried about Shane but I told him to go. The leak isn’t too bad right now.”

“My bag.” Shane went to move but I stopped him.

“We’ve got your bag, let me get you to my car.” I helped Shane up and, slower than I was sure he liked, walked him to the elevator.

“I’m not going to shatter, Ledger,” Shane argued as I helped him into my car.

“I left you for a moment, and look what happened.” When I went to buckle him in, he grabbed my hand.

“Technically, I left you. And if you buckle my seat belt, I’ll bite you.”

“I might like that.” I gave him a quick peck on the lips. “I hope you realize the error of your ways and aren’t going to do anything silly like leave me again.”

The moment turned serious and Shane pressed his lips to mine. A kiss worth a thousand words. “Never,” he whispered.

I didn’t play music in the car and was glad Gary was in the other vehicle with Neil. Shane rested his head and closed his eyes, and I thanked my lucky stars he was safe. He’d said he had a little headache, and I told him as soon as we were back, I’d make him tea, get some pain meds in him, draw him a bath. And we could soak a bit.

“You’ll spoil me.” He chuckled.

“As much as you’ll let me.”

There was no question I was falling hard for Shane. Through this entire ordeal, he had been here. And where anyone else would have run away from me because of this psycho, he was staying. Wanting to still be with me. If I let Shane Reeves go now, I’d deserve anything and everything karma threw my way.

“Oh, Ledger, those are dangerous words.” He started to laugh but winced. “Yeah, definitely pain meds.”

We pulled up to my place and directly into the garage. Gary and Neil told us to wait in the car as they had to check the place out since there was some camera interference occurring and they got word to check it out. Shane and I sat there, the peaceful silence around us and waited for the all-clear.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Gary and Neil

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