Heart Beats (Joker's Sin #3) - Davidson King Page 0,45

prayed the water would wash away all this shit, I remembered how my mind wandered to thoughts of Shane and how much he was starting to mean to me. Opening that bathroom door and seeing him sitting on the bed, a smile on his face and need in his eyes, I knew I wanted him. Only he could make me horny at a time when it felt like the earth was trying to swallow me.

“It should totally creep me out that you’re watching me sleep.” Shane opened his eyes and smiled. “Perv.”

This was Shane. The man who made me forget. The man who, like the sun, was bright, warm, and lifesaving.

“Can’t help it, you’re gorgeous.”

That seemed to stop him from taking the humor further. He lifted his head in invitation, and I met his lips with mine. It was a chaste kiss, but it consumed me.

“I’m going to grab a shower,” he said as he slipped out of bed and, in his glorious nakedness, walked into the bathroom.

As I dressed for the day, unfortunately in yesterday’s clothes, I was relieved that Lion had his special water and food dishes. I’d trained him early on that if he hit a button, food would fill his bowl and he had his fountain of fresh water, so he’d be okay. With any other animal I wouldn’t have been able to just decide to not go home that night.

I had set up an old answering machine I had for when I was away and made a quick call home so he could hear my voice after the beep. He was so fucking smart, he probably understood every word I said. By the time I was done, Shane came out of the bathroom, fully dressed.

“I wasn’t chancing coming out in just a towel. It’s become apparent resistance is futile with you.” He laughed and I joined him. Feeling this carefree felt like I was shaking off cobwebs stuck inside my chest.

“I just need to brush my teeth. Did you see if the hotel had spare toothbrushes and toothpaste?”

He nodded. “I did, very classy.”

It wasn’t that classy, but it was extremely convenient given the spontaneity of our staying in Crestfox.

“I’ll be a minute, and we can grab some breakfast and go to the hospital.” I rushed through finishing getting ready, and within ten minutes we were in the elevator, going down to the lobby.

With full bellies, we drove toward the hospital. Shane was suspiciously quiet, his eyes fixed on the road. I knew he was trying to figure out in his head whatever he had to tell me. Maybe it was some pep talk about what we’d do if Ziggy didn’t wake up today. Perhaps it was about us and where he saw us heading. But when he spoke it wasn’t what I thought he’d say.

“I have to tell you something, and I need you to understand that the reason I’m telling you now and not last night is because I knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep if I told you, and you really needed to sleep,” he rambled and normally, if my life wasn’t what it was right now, I’d find it endearing.


“When I spoke to Atlas last night, he told me that another gift arrived for you at the club.”

“What?” My gaze darted to him; remorse and worry adorned his features.

“Riordan and Ciro examined the video, and all they could see was a dark figure placing it at the gate of the parking lot but nothing more. The club was closed at the time they did it, and with you not being in Haven Hart, there wasn’t anyone there.”

I stopped at a red light and took a deep breath. “So it wasn’t Trinity?”

“No one knows. She could have arranged it all before she died.”

That was a thought. The light turned green, and I accelerated down the long street. The hospital wasn’t far from the hotel, and I was replaying everything Shane had said in my head.

“What was the gift?”

“They didn’t open it. I guess they’re waiting for you.”

“It’s not like it’s a birthday gift or something. I don’t give a fuck if they see what it is. Makes it better that I won’t have to.” I was shouting, and I could tell Shane felt like shit for keeping it from me. “I’m not mad at you, I get it.”

“There’s more.”

Of course there was. “What?” I turned into the hospital parking lot, glad to see there was ample parking.

“Riordan and Ciro have guys keeping

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