Heart Beats (Joker's Sin #3) - Davidson King Page 0,38

you about your relationship with her.”

That was true. “Maybe the security was daunting.”

“What did your agent say?”

“She said she had a statement that she was giving to anyone who asked that I was denying the relationship.”

Shane nodded. “How many people asked her for it?”

“Not a clue, I leave that up to her.”

“Well, I just wonder if Trinity was hoping this was going to be her ticket to a better name for herself and it didn’t pick up like she dreamed it would. I hope she doesn’t try something else.”

I slid both my hands over Shane’s, covering them. “What she does isn’t my business as long as she doesn’t drag me into it.”

We spent the next few hours walking around town. The park had some art exhibit from the schools, and we saw so many amazing pieces from future young talents. By the time we got into work and handed the muffins off to Ciro, we weren’t thinking about Trinity anymore.

I was too busy at seven to go and look up Trinity’s announcement. We were opening doors soon, and I was doing some last-minute equipment fixes. While I was curious, I had little time to think about it, what with how quickly I had to work before it was go-time.

The security had been the same tonight as it had always been, but I paid it little mind. Whenever I glanced over at Shane, he smiled. He was checking his phone often, but he was busy too. I figured if I got a break, or after work, I’d just catch it all.

I saw the doors open, popped in my earpiece, and let the night flow over me.


I turned and saw Ciro standing beside my booth about an hour into the night.

“What’s up…wait.” I hit the button to mix the next song in flawlessly. “Okay, what’s up?”

He lightly smacked the side of my head. “Your fucking earpiece, is it on?” Now that he mentioned it, I realized I hadn’t heard anyone talking in it.

“Shit.” I looked at the battery pack on my waistband and saw no green light. “I grabbed—”

“These are important, Ledger.” He handed me another one.

“Thanks. Was there something you wanted to tell me?” My eyes scanned the stage, where two guys were dancing like they were trying to crawl into each other.

“We have an issue.” The way Ciro said those words made my happy carefree feeling evaporate.

“What kind of issue?”

He looked over his shoulder to where a cop stood with one of the security guys.

“The kind that needs you to come with me and talk to the nice policeman.”

This was bad. I looked over toward Shane and saw the same worry on his face. But he was pulled away by someone asking for a drink, and I couldn’t even give him a reassuring smile.

“I need time, Ciro. I don’t have a whole night set up.”

He nodded. “I get it. Let me go talk to the cop; you set up what you can. Atlas promised he’d do what he could to keep things going too.”

With shaking hands, I made quick work of setting up enough songs to go for an hour. It was the best I could do on such short notice. I had to hope it wouldn’t get fucked up, but I trusted that if it did, Atlas would be all over it.

When I was sure it was good, I slipped my headphones off and left the stage. Right outside Atlas’s office stood Ciro, the policeman, and two of Riordan’s security guys.

“Atlas said we can talk in his office.” Ciro opened the door and led the way. I really wanted Shane to join me, but at the same time, I thought I should hear whatever they had to say first.

“Mr. Campos, I’m Officer Carloni,” the cop said as soon as we were all seated.

“Good evening, Officer. Can I ask what this is all about?” I chuckled nervously. “Not gonna lie, you’re all freaking me out.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Campos. I was asked to come talk to you. There’s no easy way to say this but you were listed as Jason Zabel’s emergency contact.”

Jason Zabel was ZiggyJay’s real name, and cold fear rushed up my spine. “What…what happened?”

He let out a breath, and I could tell this cop was new to Haven Hart. Bad news was more common than good here, and it hardened you fast.

“Jason Zabel is in the hospital; the car he was in was hit.”

I looked over at Ciro and back at the cop. “Why is there a cop

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