The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,54

hands in his. They are warm compared to mine, which are cold and shaking. He leans down and presses a kiss to the top of my hand, followed by the other. And when he finally looks at me, I can see the love in his eyes.

It’s the same unconditional love I saw in Kolton’s eyes when he looked at his son, the same way Camille always looks at me, and the way my parents did.

“Skylar, I never thought to tell you that I loved you because the words were so small and insignificant compared to what I feel for you. I realize now that this was wrong of me because if you knew how much I love you, then you would not be worried about me leaving you. For any reason.”

He rests his forehead against our joined hands and exhales. “I don’t have the words to convey what you mean to me, but I can most assuredly tell you that if you were to leave me, I would surely perish by my own hand. The thought of you gone is something I cannot bear. But children, however wonderful, are not enough to replace you.”

I hang my head, not even trying to stem my tears. For once, these are happy ones, not those born of grief or jealousy or shame. I may not be fully Dravian, but I know in my heart that I have a mating bond with Braxton, and after this it will never be broken.

He lifts his head, and I gasp at the shine of tears in his eyes. I grip his hands tight, my gaze searching his.

“What’s wrong?”

He slowly shakes his head as though he can’t believe what he’s about to tell. “You’re pregnant, Skylar.”

I stare at him. And then stare at him some more.

“When you fell unconscious and I took you aboard the Charvix, I did a number of tests,” he says. “After a complete scan of your body, I saw the scar tissue of your uterus and repaired it, fully reinstating your ability to have children. I should’ve asked you first, but I was selfish because I suspected you were my mate. However, once I discovered you were pregnant, I knew I never would regret my decision.” He rests a hand on my stomach, and a single tear courses down his cheek. “Forgive me, but please don’t deny me your love or our child.”

My eyes roll to the back of my head as I slam backward onto the bed in a near faint. Braxton has me in his embrace in a matter of seconds, his hands a blur as they run over my body.

“If you don’t speak to me this instant, I swear I will lose my fucking mind!” he yells.

I blink up at him. “I’m so happy.”

He halts and then cups my face. “Truly?”


“You forgive me for keeping this from you?” he asks.

“Only if you’ll forgive me for not telling you to begin with. I really thought this whole time I was knowingly depriving you of children.”

Braxton reaches for me and cradles me to his chest. “There’s nothing to forgive.”

“Good. I’d like to bawl my eyes out, okay?”

He nods while stroking my hair and uses the other to caress my back.

And I cry until I’m dehydrated and Braxton forces me to stop.

“That’s enough,” he says, gently wiping my face.

“I’m still so happy.”

He sighs. “Then I shouldn’t tell you about your surprise. You’ve already had enough excitement for one day.”

I sit up in his arms and purse my lips. “Please tell me. I promise not to cry.”

He gives me a look that clearly expresses his doubt, but I ignore it.

“Seriously,” I say. “I’ll keep it together.”

“Very well. I’ve made arrangements for Camille to come to Najarie so she can be here for the delivery and spend some time with you after.” He squints down at me. “You said you wouldn’t cry, Skylar.”

I sniffle loudly. “I’m not.” Then I bite my lip to stifle the sounds that want to spill from me. Some squealing, some wailing, but it’s totally fine.

He presses my head to his chest and strokes my cheek. “You might as well get it over with.”

“Thank you,” I say before crying again. Actually I’m not sure if I ever quit.

“I cannot imagine things being worse after the pregnancy like Kolton said,” Braxton mutters. “Your hormones are unlike anything I’ve ever encountered. It’s how I knew you were carrying. Although I have tested you to confirm because I couldn’t wait for you to tell me. Copyright 2016 - 2024