The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,52

but I haven’t had the courage to bring it up. And I don’t know if I can right now.

“We were wrong to go to Earth and abduct those females,” he says. “Even though it cannot be undone, it’s providing a great opportunity.”

I lift my head and peer up at him. “How so?”

“The house of Mankoi is the one who caused the infertility in some sort of power play between the factions, but I have put together a team of physicians and scientists to come up with a way to reverse the infertility. I believe by studying human DNA, we may be able to create a cure. We are very close.”

“Can I help?” My question comes out as almost a shout.

He cups my face with both hands. “Why is this so important to you?”

I lower my voice and make my facial expression as serene as possible. “Well, I actually graduated with a degree in biology and was pursuing my master’s in DNA analysis, so it would be nice to actually use my education. Not to mention I would be helping a lot of people.”

“Is that the only reason?”

My chest feels as if it caves in on itself. Does he know?

I clear my throat, trying to get rid of my nerves. “Well, I—”

The chime to our door sounds, and we look at each other in confusion before Braxton goes to see who’s there.

Kolton’s voice is easily heard, as well as his fear. “Natalie is in labor.”

That’s all Braxton needs to hear. In a matter of seconds, we are sprinting to the clinic. Once we arrive, I rush to Natalie’s side, taking her hand in mine.

“Hey there,” I say. “How are you doing?”

She looks up at me, and a grimace flashes across her pretty face. “I’ve been better.”

I make soothing noises while Braxton zooms through the room with Kolton assisting him in gathering the necessary medical supplies. A few minutes later, one of the medics arrives, and Kolton comes to stand on the other side of his fiancée. I grab a cloth and dampen it before running the soft material over Natalie’s forehead.

“Sir,” Natalie says, addressing Braxton, “I need some drugs because Morgan wasn’t joking when she said that labor was painful. And, with all due respect, if I don’t get them, I’m going to have Kolton kill you. Sir,” she adds.

Braxton walks over and places a hand on her shoulder. “All will be well.”

Even with the pain medication, Natalie’s labor is long and hard. Kolton looks ready to kill something every time she has a contraction. And I’m scared out of my mind. I know that Braxton is a skilled physician, but even though he maintains his cool demeanor, I’m still freaked out. Especially when the medic’s eyes widen with panic.

“Something’s wrong,” Natalie says, her gaze darting erratically around the room.

“I need to surgically remove the babies from you,” Braxton says to her. “They need assistance.”

As the medic and Braxton prep for surgery, I lower my face close to Natalie’s.

“Everything is going to be fine,” I say. “There’s no one I trust more than Braxton.”

Her face scrunches with pain before she responds, “Other than Kolton, I feel the same.”

The sounds of the procedure are not loud but seem to clang about in my head. The various dissections I’ve done in school were nothing compared to this, and I find myself growing nauseous. Several times I have to step outside the clinic to catch my breath only for the feelings of illness to rise again.

But it’s worth it all when I hear the first little wail.

It takes everything I have to stay planted by my friend’s side and not go see the baby. However, when the second one is born, I can’t stand it any longer. I walk over to steal a peek, but the medic surprises me by handing me the first tiny bundle. The tears are immediate as I gaze down at the infant’s precious face, taking in his button nose and chubby cheeks.

As much as I want to hold him forever, I force myself to walk over to the Kolton. “Here’s your son,” I say.

He takes the baby from me and shows him to Natalie. She smiles weakly, but the joy in her eyes is bright enough to rival the sun.

I walk over to the second baby and take a peek while the medic cleans him. And again he hands the child to me. And again I weep. I know I’m ridiculous, but it’s like I never truly understood what Copyright 2016 - 2024