The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,49

And for what purpose?

“Come on,” I say, taking her hand.

We make our way back to Braxton, and as soon as I’m close, he looks me over, his gaze piercing me. But soon it’s away from me and on the entourage of Dravian males as they make a beeline for the commander of the Charvix. One male comes straight to Braxton, his face an unreadable mask.

“Kolton,” Braxton greets, inclining his head slightly.


“How is Natalie?”

Kolton crosses his arms, his lips thinning. “She is upset with you and wants you to return to Najarie immediately.”

At hearing about another woman who’s familiar with Braxton enough to demand such a thing, I stiffen. Have I been an idiot this whole time to think there’s not someone waiting for him on his planet? I have to be wrong in my thinking, but it doesn’t stop my stomach from souring.

“I left a note,” Braxton says.

“Well, that was not good enough,” Kolton growls. “The babies are due soon, and she’s worrying herself needlessly without you being there. You need to come back with me.”

Babies? As in more than one? Fuck.

As though Braxton can sense my distress, he wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me to his side. Kolton raises a brow, and Braxton returns his direct stare.

“I will come back as soon as my business here is concluded,” the physician says.

“It best be quick,” Kolton says. “I will not allow you to upset my fiancée any more than you already have. Natalie doesn’t say it, but she’s nervous to give birth without you overseeing the delivery.”

I sag against Braxton’s hard body as relief fills me. When he glances down, I look up at him with a cheeky expression, having been caught. He narrows his eyes the slightest bit at me before looking back at Kolton.

“I will be there to aid and guide her.”

A change comes over Kolton as he smiles and claps Braxton on the shoulder. “You have my thanks. I wasn’t sure if I was going to have to grab some cuffs and stow you away aboard the Phoenix.”

Braxton waves a hand. “That will not be necessary.”

“No, but it would be amusing. I’ll be sure to let Natalie know you will be back in time. It’ll make her happy.”

“Kolton, trust me when I say that things will only get worse after she has the babies.”

This comes from a huge Dravian male with a single braid trailing over one of his broad shoulders. He winks at me before turning his attention to Braxton, who bows his head respectfully.


“We are beyond that now, Bones,” the male says.

I inwardly smile at the use of the nickname, especially since Braxton acknowledges it.

“You are right, Zaden,” he says. “But even though much has happened, I will still try to address you appropriately.”

Zaden grins. “Of course.”

“So how will things be worse after the arrival of the babies?” Kolton asks, his brow creasing. “I need to prepare myself.”

“Morgan still complains to this day about not having anything to ease the suffering of childbirth,” Zaden says. “It’s a wonder how she got pregnant again.” He says this with a wink in my direction. Again.

This guy is so unlike any Dravian I’ve ever met. He’s open, funny, and just an overall friendly guy, yet none of it is fake in any way. I can sense the honesty of him, and even though he’s winking at me, I know it’s nothing more than him being playful. There are no hints of lust or anything in his gaze. However, Braxton grips me tightly as if Zaden is trying to steal me away.

Kolton crosses his arms. “With Braxton there at the delivery, I hope to avoid that.”

“Most assuredly,” the physician says. He turns to Zaden and cocks his head. “I am pleased to see you, but why are you here? Is there some circumstance that I am not aware of?”

“I’m here to make contact with the humans,” Zaden says. “Now that they know of our existence, it’s time to formally introduce ourselves and our intentions.”

“Which are?” I ask.

All the males turn to look at me, but I keep my gaze level. I am one of these humans they are talking about, and I have a right to know about their plans.

“We want to offer passage to Najarie for any willing humans,” Zaden says. “We abducted two groups of human women in the past, but that is no longer a viable option. My wife demands that I no longer take females captive.” He leans forward and lowers his tone Copyright 2016 - 2024