The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,37

my seed is helping to create a child within your womb.”

If it’s possible, I die a little right then.

“You want children?” I ask, trying to keep the tremor out of my voice.

“Other than wanting you, children are the next thing I desire.” He squints up at me, and I paste a smile on my face. It wobbles the slightest bit, and I hope he doesn’t notice. “Don’t you?” he asks me.

I sigh and lay my head on his chest. “You have no idea.”

“This is good news.” His voice is the happiest I’ve ever heard it, and my heart cracks. “You will make the most wonderful mother because you are fierce and protective of those you love. I could not ask for a better mate.”

But in reality, Braxton could do a lot better than me, since I’m infertile.

Chapter 11

Thankfully the soldiers ignore Braxton’s and my return, other than sending us a couple of curious glances. And those that actually pay the slightest bit of attention to us are quickly diverted to the commander as he orders us to leave the area.

The journey to the Yalat’s city is silent, and I’m grateful. What Braxton and I did was incredible, life-changing, and such a huge step for me. But it has also complicated things for me emotionally. I know that I care about him, or I wouldn’t have slept with him in the first place, but beyond that I have no clue how to proceed. Are we a couple now that his mating bond has been solidified? How do I act around him after exposing every evil and twisted thing in my past?

Well, almost everything.

I couldn’t bring myself to tell him about my infertility. It’s definitely not something you discuss if you’re just going to have sex once. I can’t imagine earlier being the one and only time with Braxton, yet how can I talk about a future that involves children that will never exist? He sounded so happy, and I don’t know how I can take that away from him.

He looks over at me, his neon gaze bright in the darkness. The vision enhancers we received make it seem as if I’m viewing him in the daylight, but I know that’s not the case. I was a little skeptical about the orange drops; however, they’re working like a charm. Braxton tried to explain the science behind them, but once he said it involved microscopic robots, I couldn’t stand to hear any more.

“Are you all right?”

His voice sounds loud even though I know it’s not. He just affects me like no other, and it has me wondering if the mating bond goes both ways, since I am Dravian as well. A stupid part of me is still having a hard time coming to terms with the fact even though I have power literally shooting from my hands. I guess it’s just hard to call yourself an alien, or part alien anyway.

“I’m fine,” I say.

At the indifference in my tone, his gaze streaks with black. “Are you sure?” He grips my arm and pulls me close, careful to keep me from falling. His lips brush my ear as he speaks, sending shivers through me. “Was I too rough with you? Are you in pain?”

I shake my head so emphatically that my hair flies about, smacking Braxton in the face. “I’m fine,” I repeat, my voice little more than a squeak.

He guides me off to the side, and the soldiers continue walking, leaving us behind. Then he takes my neck between his hands, and my pulse flutters against his palms.

“You don’t need to hide anything from me, Skylar. I will always take care of you, and in order for me to do that, you have to be honest with me.”

I try to lower my head so that he doesn’t see the lie within my gaze, but Braxton places his thumbs against my jaw, holding me in place. The tenderness in his eyes, mixed with concern, has me feeling guilty for worrying him. But I can’t help it.

“I’m telling you the truth when I say that I’m fine.”

But emotionally I’m all over the place.

He cocks his head just the slightest bit. “And you’re also being truthful when you say I wasn’t too rough with you?”

My chest tightens as embarrassment steals my breath. When I finally gather myself, my words are airy. “I thought it would scare me, but I actually liked it.”

“And from the strength of your orgasms, I would assume you enjoyed it a lot.”

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