The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,32

will kill them.” When I open my mouth to protest, he silences me with a tug on my hair. “Just from your pained expression, I can tell this is no ordinary hurt. It’s deep and continues to cut you. If there is any solace I can give, any revenge that needs to be had, let me have that honor, Skylar. As your mate, it is my right.”

His words wrap around me as effectively as an embrace. His passionate declaration is the balm to my wounded soul, and even though there will always be scars, there will be healing as well. I have been attracted to Braxton since the beginning because of his actions, not just his looks, and now I want to bring that full circle. For the first time in years, I want to be vulnerable with someone physically and emotionally.

“If I’m truly your mate, then you will be intimate with me,” I say, tightening my grip on him. “If you truly want revenge on my behalf, then it would be best served by helping me become whole once more. Because the damage that came about was done through sex, but I want it to be healed by making love. So I’m asking you, Braxton, to make love to me.”

Chapter 10

“You were violated?” Braxton asks, his voice hoarse and his eyes a deep onyx. “I had suspected but couldn’t fathom the thought…”

I nod, and the look of agony on his face breaks my heart. It’s as if he now suffers from my affliction even though that was never my intention. I wanted him to know so that he would be gentle, and considerate if I start to panic. Even though I think I want to have sex with Braxton, I’m not sure my psyche will be able to handle it.

But I’m hopeful that since he’s the right male, I can go through with it without any anxiety.

Braxton yanks me further into his embrace, squeezing the air from my lungs with his crushing hold. He pets my hair, like someone would a small child, in easy, unhurried strokes.

“I will kill him a thousand times over,” he rasps. “And I swear that nothing of this sort will ever happen to you again while I draw breath.”

Braxton’s upset is easily felt and heard, making me want to comfort him. “I’m okay, really. It happened years ago, and the asshole is in jail, so he can’t hurt anyone ever again.”

Much to my surprise, Braxton releases me and takes a step back. A chill comes over my body as if an icy wind is blowing, making me cold. I hug my middle and stare at him in confusion.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, growing more worried by the second. “Do you not want me now because I’m used and you find me disgusting?” Pain comes roaring to life, making my chest ache. Damn Braxton for rejecting me. Again.

He shakes his head, his gaze still an inky black. “There will never be a day that I don’t desire you. Your beauty is more than skin-deep in my eyes. Although there is no denying how magnificent you are physically.” He takes a breath, his nostrils flaring, and clenches his fists. “I do not want my eagerness to frighten you.”

“It didn’t the other day in the training facility,” I say, crossing my arms. “If you want to know the truth, it was the first time I’d been aroused since the attack, and the orgasm you gave me was incredible. I want to feel that way again.”

He backs up when I take a step toward him, and I glare at him.

“Will you stop rejecting me?” I nearly shout. “I am telling you I want this, but every time you deny me even though you say you want me.” I wave a hand at his enlarged cock that’s straining against his flight suit. “Don’t lie to me.”

He narrows his gaze. “I won’t, but neither will I be the one who hurts you, possibly more so than the offender from your past. I am concerned with how strong my desire is for you, so you would be wise to follow suit.”

My mouth falls open as he strides away from me. I follow him with my gaze, unable to believe he’s leaving me again. My power, triggered by the intense emotions churning within me, shoots to my palms, making them tingle. Before I’ve had a chance to think rationally, I’m in motion. I raise my arms and let my power flow from me, Copyright 2016 - 2024