The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,18

being able to dictate my actions.” I catch the muscle in his jaw ticking again, so I continue, wanting to push Braxton, to get him to remove the ever-present stick from his ass. “In fact, I’m thinking of asking Erix to help me with my gift, since you don’t seem to be in a hurry.”

Braxton takes a deep breath, his nostrils flaring, and then his hand shoots out to grasp my wrist. He yanks me none too gently and all but drags me from the docking bay. Surprisingly I have no fear even though it’s quite obvious he’s more than a little upset. Actually there’s a part of me that likes this authoritative side of Braxton, but I know it’s only because he won’t harm me.

And least I’m pretty sure he won’t.

The good thing is I’m fully recharged and my power is firing on all cylinders. I’ve been practicing using it while Braxton has been ignoring me, and now I’m able to lift single objects with ease. I also cried a lot for my parents, but at least it was in private. Although I have to admit I wished Braxton would’ve held me each time.

He walks with determined purpose, his strides never slowing, while I have to jog to keep up. Other Dravian males eye us as we go by, but no one stops to question the physician. Finally, after several twists and turns and a trip in the elevator, he stops.

“What is this place?” I ask, looking around the room. It’s like a small, empty warehouse with metal walls that have octagons etched into them. The ceiling is high, yet it feels like an enclosed space. I roll my shoulders, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

“It is a training facility.” Braxton drops my hand and walks over to a single keypad located on the wall. There’s a series of beeps, and then a metal table suddenly appears in the center of the room. It’s lined with knives of various sizes. At the far end of the large room is a set of gray dummies or mannequins in an identical pose. It’s like a shooting range, except there’s not a paper target this time.

I start to head over to the table when Braxton lifts a hand in my direction, staying me with his power. “What the hell?” I try to twist, but I can’t do more than turn my head. From the shoulders downward, I’m not able to move, but it doesn’t stop me from giving him a dirty look.

“You think because of your gift that you are now invincible,” he says. Braxton circles me while he talks, keeping me prisoner in the invisible barrier. “You think that because the Yalat need breeders that they won’t kill you. I am going to make sure you realize just how fragile, just how human, you really are.”

Part of me is pissed off. Braxton thinks he can intimidate me, but he’s got another thing coming. However, the other part of me is strangely intrigued by this commanding side of him. I can tell if a guy is handsome, but I haven’t experienced true physical attraction for someone in years. The fact that it’s happening with Braxton is mind-boggling because he’s an alien, but it isn’t just that.

I’m also attracted to him sexually. After my sexual assault three years ago, I never thought I would be interested in anyone again. Or at least not this soon and with a near stranger.

The revelation hits me so strongly that I stagger when Braxton withdraws his power from me. Immediately I get my feet underneath me and tilt my chin, not about to let him see what he’s doing to me mentally, not to mention emotionally and physically.

“I want you to use your gift to levitate those knives and hit the targets,” he says, folding his arms.

“It’s impossible,” I grit out.

I press my lips together to keep from yelling. Sure, I’m able to lift a bowl with my power, but I wasn’t using it to toss that shit to the ground as if I was at a Jewish wedding.

Mazel tov, motherfucker.

He quirks a sardonic brow and cocks his head. “As my queen would say, ‘Stop being a pussy and just do it.’”

My mouth falls open. “Did you just… Did I just…,” I sputter. I clamp my lips together and spin away from him, trying to regain my composure. He literally has me speechless. That’s a first for me.

I take a deep breath and direct my focus onto the weapons laid Copyright 2016 - 2024