The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,14

chin and plant my feet, unwilling to let him intimidate me. He leans close, bringing his lips no more than an inch away, and I find it hard to meet his stare.

As if he didn’t hear what I just said, he cups my face, his eyes a gleaming onyx. “I will kill any male on this ship who tries to touch you, Skylar.”

I want to reprimand him for doing exactly what I told him not to, yet I find myself relishing the idea of him protecting me. Even though I’m unsure of why he feels the need to take care of me, I’m grateful for it. The thought of being confined on an alien ship full of males is enough to have me jumping out of the nearest air lock; I don’t think my anxiety could take it.

“Thank you.” My voice is barely above a whisper, but I know he heard me when he rests his forehead to mine.

“I’m at your service.”

I pull back and look up at him as he drops his hands. “If you really mean that, then let me come with you to rescue Camille.”

His mouth turns down into a frown, his lips thinning. “The way you are with your gift right now makes you a liability. I can’t knowingly place you in harm’s way.”

“Then teach me.” I search his gaze, mine pleading. “I saw you use your powers, so I know we are similar in that.”

He shakes his head. “Not similar, exactly the same.”

“What?” I jerk back, my face scrunching in confusion. “That doesn’t make any sense. I’m human and you’re a Dravian.”

“Skylar, you are both human and Dravian.”

“Shut the fuck up.” At Braxton’s murderous expression, I take his hands in mine and give them a gentle squeeze. “I didn’t mean it like that. It’s a way…” I shake my head at myself. “Never mind. I’m just saying that I don’t believe you.”

His expression is less severe but not mollified. “You may think me a scoundrel, but I am no liar.”

“Of course not,” I say, making my tone soothing. “You’ve told me the good, the bad, and the ugly about everything, and I appreciate it.”

“Your gratitude is hard to recognize,” he mutters.

My lips twitch at the despondency in his voice. “I’m going through a lot right now.”

He gives me a look that lets me know he feels the same, and I’m guessing he’s naming me the cause of his problems. I can’t say that he’s wrong. Unable to help myself, I laugh. His exasperation is hysterical, and then you add that to all the stress I’ve experienced, and it’s the perfect recipe for amusement at the most inappropriate time.

He watches me all the while, and something shifts in his gaze. As soon as I recognize the arousal lurking in its depths, the laughter dies in my throat. Every other time a man has looked at me in this way, I’ve immediately gone on the defensive while inwardly growing sick to my stomach.

And yet with Braxton, I find myself intrigued. But no less cautious.

“Look,” I say, schooling my features, “I’m not saying you’re lying, but how can I possibly be part Dravian? I don’t have any silver hair or pointed ears, and I’m only five and a half feet tall.”

“I tested your DNA, and there is no use in fighting the truth. You must be the result of the time when the Dravians first visited Earth. You’re mostly human, but there is no denying your heritage. The gift is proof enough.”

I’ve studied human DNA, and there are certain scientific facts you cannot argue with. If he’s actually done the testing he says he has, then there’s not much I can say. Especially when I take into account that their technology supersedes anything I’ve seen on Earth.

On shaky legs, I make my way back to the chair I occupied earlier and plop down on it. “This is a lot to take in.”

Braxton kneels next to me, placing his hand on my mine. “I will navigate you through this, but you have to trust me.” He runs his thumb over my knuckles in a gentle caress, making my skin tingle. “Can you do that?”

Trust. It’s such a loaded word, full of potential broken promises along with good intentions that don’t amount to shit. I’m still trying to rebuild my faith in humanity, specifically men. I know Braxton isn’t all men. Hell, he’s not even human, but he is still a male.

Can I make the exception for him?

“I can try,” Copyright 2016 - 2024