The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,10

ship, I would’ve. However, you are so stubborn I knew I had to indulge you first. Now that you are out of harm’s way, I find myself wanting to know everything about you.”

Chapter 4


The sound of my name as it flows past my lips is throaty, almost seductive. Not my intention, but Braxton’s proximity is wreaking havoc on my body, not to mention my emotions.

“It suits you.”

He reaches out to rub his thumb along the top of my hand. I know I should pull away, and I promise myself that I will after I see what he’s up to, not because I like it in any way. The contact from him is warm, and I find it soothing in an inexplicable way. I blame it on the trauma I experienced today. That has to be the reason I’m allowing him to touch me.

Because I haven’t given any man that privilege for the last three years.

I clear my throat and retract my hand with great reluctance while trying to conceal that fact from Braxton by schooling my features. “Look, I have a lot of questions, and I’d really appreciate it if you would answer them.”

“Very well. Would you like something to eat?”

The change of topic throws me off momentarily. As if on cue, my stomach rumbles, earning a knowing look from Braxton.

“Sure,” I say with a shrug.

He snatches me into his arms before I can even open my mouth to protest. And I would’ve. Totally. Yeah.

“I can walk,” I mumble.


“Where are you taking me?”

He looks down at me briefly, and something flickers in his gaze. “Somewhere private.”

“Good. I don’t want an audience.”

What I really want to say is I need the freedom to yell if necessary. As much as Braxton and his people seem to want to assist and protect the human women, I’m not sure I trust them. Without answers to my questions, it’s hard to know if they are indeed good or just trying to appear as such. I realize that there’s not much I can do alone, but getting as much information as possible is always a good idea. Camille is depending on me, and I can’t let myself forget that fact.

In his native tongue, Braxton gives a slew of what I assume to be orders to the medics before exiting the clinic. He goes down a long hallway, passing a number of closed doors, before stepping into an elevator. His hold is firm but not tight, and the warmth of him seeps into me. I don’t understand why he feels the need to touch me all the time. Is it because he’s a physician and used to being in people’s personal space or is it a part of his alien culture? Either way, it has to stop. It makes me uncomfortable and not necessarily for the all the right reasons.

But I’ll be sure to tell him this later. Yeah, later.

“Where are we going?” I ask, watching the symbols on the panel change. They most likely indicate the floors we are passing, and I lose count after ten.

“To my personal quarters.”

That does not sound like the best environment to be in with a stranger, let alone an alien. A shiver slides down my spine, and I know he felt it because of his next statement.

“If you are frightened, I can take you to someplace more public.”

I swing my gaze to him, assessing his facial expression. Is he challenging me or is he really offering an alternative that he thinks will put me at ease? Again I grow frustrated at the stoicism he presents. Would it be too much to ask that he frown or smile?

“As long as you promise to keep your hands to yourself, we’ll be fine,” I say.

A chime sounds, and the elevator doors slide open. I’m not sure if Braxton was going to speak and was interrupted or if he really has no intention of behaving. So I make sure.

“You heard me, right?”

“That has never been an issue.”

I huff. “Are you saying I have a big mouth?”

“I’m not saying that you don’t.”

I resist the urge to shove him and jump down from his hold. “And I’m not saying you’re an uptight alien with a probe stuck somewhere,” I mutter under my breath.

“We are here,” he says, and I swear there’s a hint of laughter in his tone.

The inside of his room is not that different from a studio apartment found on Earth, except everything is sleek and made of metal. I skip over the normal Copyright 2016 - 2024