The Healer (The Order of Intergalactic Peace #1) - Kelly Lucille Page 0,39

found it. She pointed, seeing the swirling silver and gold light radiating over her skin she faltered for only a moment. She would worry about the change Mal Ryn had made to her energy later. A man lay on a bed, his eyes on hers almost fanatic with his awe.

“Are you an angel?” he asked his voice rough and calm.

“No,” she assured him with a smile. “A healer.” She motioned to the rod of steel imbedded in his belly. “I need to remove that before I can fully heal you.”

The man didn’t hesitate, before she could turn to find one of her med aides to help, he had already gripped it with both hands and yanked it from his body. She held up her palm forcing his blood back where it belonged and finished healing him. She turned to follow the trail of another spot of wrongness and met Marte’s shocked eyes from right behind her. She smiled at him, an idea of how she could make this go faster.

“Can you spread the word to the rest of medical that I need anything that cannot be quickly broken down by the body removed, otherwise it interferes with the healing.”

He blinked a few times as if re-engaging his brain. Then he opened his mouth, closed it then turned and finally did as she asked without argument. It was a refreshing change.

Within half an hour the entire health center on Cronos had been healed, including the patients that had been there for prior injuries or illness. It took a lot longer for everyone to get over the shock of what they had witnessed and start clearing people out.

Serenity, once she had finished, needed a quiet place away from the awed looks and whispered exclamations of delight and surprise. She found it in one of the private rooms set aside for the elite of the Order. She didn’t feel depleted, but exhaustion beat at her. Between weeks of sleepless nights and working such a large amount of healing she needed rest. It had thankfully been unoccupied because the bed was clean and fresh when she happily settled into it. She sighed in bliss and promptly slid into sleep.

Meg was still shaking her head at her in wonder when she pulled the blanket over Serenity’s small sleeping form. She turned to give big eyes to Marte. “Have you ever seen anything like that?”

He shook his head and looked from her to Serenity on the bed. She was curled up like a child, and with her size and pretty face, it had been easy to underestimate her. Even after he had seen her heal Commander Jas he hadn’t let himself see it. He looked back at Meg. “I have never even heard of anything like that,” he told her.

He rubbed his hand over his head and blew out a breath. “I saw what she did with the hunter, and I thought at the time she was amazing. Then the way she talked to Lord Ryn, well then I knew she was, but this?” He rubbed his head again in clear agitation. “I don’t know what this even means.”

Meg bit her lip. “We need to contact the ship,” she said with sudden urgency. “She needs to be protected, now, before word spreads about what she can do.”

Marte’s head snapped up and his eyes met hers and widened. He hit his wrist com and spoke fast. Because, he realized, Meg was right.

Meg rushed over to lock the door, and then stood with her back pressed against it as if she would bodily protect their healer.

Marte explained in a rush that he needed to talk to Lord Ryn’s aide and waited while he was passed through proper channels. All the while he kept eyes on the powerful creature sleeping so defenselessly on the bed.

Chapter Twelve

“My Lord,” Captain Tram said rushing on to the bridge with an unusual lack of his renown poise. “We have a situation.”

Mal turned from the holomap he and General Smoke had been going over, impatient with the interruption. “What?” he barked and watched his aide stop and fall into attention. Tram’s nerves hidden behind cold discipline. He spoke fast then, giving Mal a clear concise report as he knew it.

“We received a call from the med aide, Marte, who was informing us of some unusual activity at the health center when a disturbance interrupted us. I was unable to get him back on the com and when I sent a soldier to check on Copyright 2016 - 2024