Haze of Obedience (Behind Closed Doors #3) - Maggie Cole Page 0,37

before moving lower onto his six-pack and finally to his coveted V.

The entire time, he watches me, and I'm scared to look up. As he did to me, I slide only an inch under his trunks to lotion him up. I pull my hand out and slide my palms up his chest then pat his cheeks. "All done."

He reaches for my wrists as I'm pulling them away and holds them to his chest.

Why isn't he saying anything?

"What's up?"

He opens his mouth but then snaps it shut.

Thump, thump, thump, beats my heart.


"I like you, Zoe."

"I like you."

"No. I really like you."

Happy dance.

"That's good. The feeling is mutual."



He leans forward, hesitates, then kisses my forehead. "We should get going."

Disappointment mixes with my adrenaline. I quietly say, "Sure."

He releases my hands and turns.

I take a deep breath to pull myself together.

"Screw it," he mumbles, quickly spins back, slides his fingers through my hair, and kisses me as if there is no tomorrow.

When he pulls his lips from mine, I'm breathless and weak-kneed. "Now we can go." He winks, picks up my vest, and puts it on me.

But I’m frozen.


"Oh sorry."

His face falls. "Did I do something wrong again?"

"No. You did everything right."

He smiles. "I did?"


"Good. Are you ready to keep moving forward?"

I step into the water. "Yes."

I want to move forward with you.

I spend the next few hours wondering if it could be possible. If somehow I could escape the Global Leaders' grasp and have a happily ever after with Dirk.

But I know better. One thing I've learned in the last few years is that dreams don’t come true. And if they do, they easily can become nightmares.



Zoe hasn't said much since we got back into the kayak. The few times I've tried to get back into our banter, it's not been successful. She said I did everything right this time, but her silence creates doubt that maybe she's regretting our kiss.

I wish I knew what she was thinking.

For hours we paddle, passing several resorts. There are two major river openings in the bay. The first is the Belize/Guatemalan territory line, which we passed earlier in the day. The second is directly across from the tip of the peninsula.

I stop paddling. "Zoe, we have to make a decision."

She turns. "What are the choices?"

"We can keep paddling along the coast or cut across. Following the beach will take longer, but it could get choppy if we cut across."

"It's been calm for a bit now."

"That could change at any time. We could get stuck in it."

She studies the path to the peninsula. With a big smile, she says, "We have lifevests on for a reason, right?"

"Are you telling me you want to take the chance of possibly tipping over in the middle of the bay?"

"Are you scared?"

I snort. "Me. No. I don't want to put you in any danger."

"Are you sure this doesn't have anything to do with your inner fears?"

"Ha ha."

"I say we go for it, country boy."

"All right, my Little Diva. Let's hope this water doesn't turn."

We paddle towards the tip, and the further away from land we get, the rougher the water becomes. A wave washes over the boat and soaks us.

"Holy moly!" she cries out.

"You're doing great, Zoe. Keep paddling."

The closer we get to the peak, the rougher the water gets. Another wave washes over the kayak.

We're going to get killed out here.

"Dig left. We need to get to shore," I yell.

We turn the vessel and head toward the sandy beach.

There's a resort with kayaks, hobby cats, and paddleboards on shore. The kayaks are the same color as ours.

"Zoe, keep your glasses and hat on. Don't talk."

She nods.

We get to shore and jump out. After I pull the boat on shore, I sling my backpack over my shoulder and put my arm around Zoe. I wave to the young man who works for the resort. He's talking to a few girls in their bikinis and isn't paying too much attention to us.

Once we're past him and onto the paved walkway, she murmurs, "Where are we going now?"

I grab two towels off the stand and survey the pool area. "I think we're here for the night. There's no way we can get around the peninsula in the kayak today."

"Okay... Can I have one of those towels? I'm kind of cold."

"Not yet." I pull her into me.

"Why not?"

"I have something better for you."

"Your body heat again?"

I snort. "No. This." I point to the hot tub. It's empty, and I hope it stays that

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