Haze of Obedience (Behind Closed Doors #3) - Maggie Cole Page 0,3

chest and close my eyes while my heart beats faster.

"You have four hours until your concert. As soon as it's over, we'll leave for Costa Rica."

"Costa Rica?"

"Birthday party for Santiago G贸mez."

The Colombian Drug Lord?

I may be fuzzy, but that seems odd to me.


Jonas sticks his finger in my mouth that had the cocaine on it, and I suck it off.

"It's time that prick learned who's in charge."

Fear surges through me, but I do my best not to show it to Jonas. I saw what happened to one of his men who displayed anxiety over Santiago G贸mez. I don't want that fate.

"Why am I going?"

"You're going to sing for that bastard."

My heart pounds harder, but this time, it's not from the drugs.

"I don't want to."

Jonas's eyes turn to slits. "Are you attempting to disobey me?"

"No." I hold my hands in the air and somehow manage to come up with a coherent answer. "I sing for you, not him."

"Well, tonight, you sing for him. And you better not miss a note."



Eight Months Later

"Ms. Diego, it's nice to see you again. I'm Julieta and will be assisting you this evening. Can I get you a drink?"

"Hmmm?" I hardly glance up. My sunglasses help to shield the light, which makes my head feel like it's splitting open.

"Can I get you a drink? Maybe water?"

The effort it takes to move my head is more than I bargained for, and it pounds harder. Two of her faces swarm in front of my eyes, and I close them quickly, but that only makes me dizzier.

"Another line," I manage to get out.

"Here, have some water. It should help." She tries to hand me a glass of water, but I throw it across the plane. It crashes into the wall and busts, and she jumps. "Another line," I repeat louder. Everything is spinning, but I no longer care what happens to me. The last week I've had double performances almost every night, and Jonas hasn't left me alone. I'm tired of servicing him and performing for everyone around me. I just want it all to end.

"You heard her. Get her what she wants," Jonas growls.

"I think she's about to get sick," she cries out.

"You aren't paid for your opinion. Get her what she wants, or I'll open the door to this plane and throw you out into the night sky. Do you understand?"

"Y...yes. Sorry, sir."

I wave my hand in the air for her to move along.

So tired.

When did I sleep last? Three or four days ago?

Julieta comes back with a silver tray that has a line of cocaine on it. She tries to get me to drink water again, but I ignore her.

I pick up the cylinder tube and take a hit.

"Oh, God! Let me help you!" She sets the tray on the table and grabs a cloth napkin, then sits next to me.

"What are you sitting for?" Jonas yells.

"Her nose is bleeding. I'm trying to help her."

"Jesus. Not again," Jonas grumbles.

Julieta tips my head back and applies the cloth and pressure to my nose.

"Are you okay?" she asks in a low voice.

I don't respond, but tears drip past my lenses.

Am I okay?

I don't remember when I was last okay.

She strokes my head, and it's the nicest thing anyone has done for me in years. It makes me sob harder.

"What are you doing to her?" Jonas growls, and both Julieta and I jump.

"She's injured. I'm just trying to help."

Jonas stands in front of us. He shakes his head and scowls. "Zoe, you need to get your shit together."

"I'm...I'm sorry."

He bends down and snorts a line then drags his finger over Julieta's breasts.

She shudders, but I'm too messed up to do anything. Not that I know how I could even stop him if I tried.

"Your day is coming," he threatens.

She shakes harder, and a sinister laugh echoes in the plane. He walks away and back to his thugs.

Julieta turns back to taking care of my nose. She puts the water to my mouth several times, and I take small sips. "That's good, Zoe." She removes the pressure from my nose, then gets a wet cloth and cleans the blood off my face. "There. You look beautiful as always."

I want to tell her thank you, but I can't form the words. I nod as more tears fall down my face.

Jonas snaps, "Do your job. We need more alcohol."

She jumps up. "Yes, Mr. Torres."

The rest of the ride, I try to drown out. Julieta layers extra blankets over my body and continues

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