Haze of Obedience (Behind Closed Doors #3) - Maggie Cole Page 0,20


Anger like I've never felt surges into my bones.

"She also told me that Zoe is worried her voice is going to go out one of these days. She thinks she won't get it back, either. Before Santiago, they worked her just as hard and were giving her vocal injections."


"Penelope wouldn't get specific, but she claims Zoe had two performances most nights."

"With Santiago?"

"No. Before the cartel abducted her."

"Why would she agree to that?"

"She didn't."

My gut flips. "Someone forced her?"

Axel nods.

"Who?" I growl.

"Don't know. Penelope was giving me things in pieces. I was trying to keep her talking, but something is scaring her from telling me everything."

"Zoe won't fill me in either."

"You were busy with the rats when Andre got back, but Interpol is sending Naomi to the U.S. and everyone else to their home countries."

My hairs on my neck stand up. "Why does that not sound like a good plan? Tell me why I'm getting a bad feeling right now."

"Penelope is petrified to go back to Britain or Panama. Did Zoe say anything about Mexico?"

"No. We hadn't discussed the drop off except for when she asked me during the rescue."

"Something isn't right. None of those women should be going back, according to Penelope."

"But she isn't saying why?"


"Did Penelope mention anything about the Global Leaders?"

"No. What's that?"

"Zoe mentioned them several times last night. She thought we worked for them. She was freaked."

"But she wouldn't tell you more?"


"Something is going on behind closed doors then."

"Now you sound like Malin."

Axel shakes his head. "I wish I didn't have to say this, but I think Malin's theory is right on this one."

Malin's theory is that something is always going on politically behind closed doors.

"Yeah, but why would this be political?"

"Naomi is going to the U.S. and has dirt on crooked politicians. Penelope worked for the British embassy. Vanessa's fiance is a cabinet member in Belize. Zoe was singing at embassies all over Latin America."

"Point taken."

"We need to figure this out. I'm not letting Penelope get dumped into a bad situation."

"Ditto on Zoe."

The market is a good hike. The entire way I stew with rage over the little I know about Zoe's situation. We pull into the market, and I say to Axel, "Can you work on the clothes? I want to see what I can find for Zoe's voice."


We split up. I do a quick search on my phone about what could help her. The market we are at is pretty extensive. I find slippery elm lozenges, lemon, honey, ginger root, and aloe vera juice. There's also an entire herbal tea selection that I sift through. Several boxes have ingredients that I think might help, so I take those too. After that, I find a herbal cream with arnica in it to put in my first aid kit.

After I buy the items, I join Axel. He has a cart full of clothes and is pulling bikinis off the rack.

"What are you doing?"

He slyly grins. "I don't know about you, but it's hot, and we have another night in this place. Good day for a swim, don't you think?"

I pat him on the back. "Smart man."

We finish shopping and head back to the camp. When we pull everything out, I say, "The other guys have the perimeter secured. I'm bored, hot, and going for a swim. Anyone want to come?"

Zoe snags a brown bikini out of the bag. "I'm in."

She heads toward the tent, and I follow her.

"Are you going to watch me change?" she smirks.

I wish.

"No. I come bearing gifts."

She crosses her arms and raises her eyebrows.

I hold out the bag. "Go on. Take it."

She slowly reaches for it and peeks inside. "This is a lot of stuff."

"I wasn't trying to be an ass. I'm a huge fan."

"Ha ha."

"I'm not just saying that. I've been to at least a dozen of your concerts."

"You listen to Latin music?"

"Yeah. Mostly just yours."

She tilts her head like she doesn't believe me.

"I'll show you my playlist sometime."

"You've been to my concerts?"

"Yeah. Since I was in my twenties. I know all your songs and follow you on social media."

"No, you don't."

"Yeah, I do."

"Dirk, time to get out. We need to change," Penelope says.

"Sorry." I turn back to Zoe. "I'll see you outside." I'm almost to the door.

"Hey, Dirk."



"No problem."

Everyone except Andre, Hunter, Naomi, and Vanessa go to the river.

The current has picked up speed since earlier in the morning, and it isn't long before we all are in pairs, with the women clinging to us, so they don't get swept

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