Haze of Obedience (Behind Closed Doors #3) - Maggie Cole Page 0,12

of the tent.

The first thing I do is give Hunter a hard time, but all I'm wondering is what I can do to make up for putting her in that position.



Only when I hear Dirk get up and leave, do I open my eyes.

The last time I trusted a man, it was Antonio. Kissing him stirred the flutters in my gut. But kissing Dirk created a whirlwind of desire in my core I've never felt before.

And it scares the crap out of me.

I thought Antonio would protect and love me. I couldn't have been more wrong. And then he showed me that I was only his property, to use and take from whenever he wanted. After that, every man has done the same. I hated every single moment and each one of them.

Kissing Dirk was like opening a floodgate of feelings, possibilities, and reminders of what I'd been missing.

Nothing good can come of it.

He's a man, and you've been with enough to know that they are all the same.

But is he? Is that fair?

You don't have the luxury of finding out.

I take another deep breath, trying to forget about how it felt to be in his arms, or the way our bodies reacted to each other's. But the memories are tattooed on my brain, and they won't stop flashing.

The girls all begin to wake up. When everyone is gone, I can't hide anymore. I also need to go to the bathroom, so I put on my muddy heels and step outside.

I run right into Dirk.

"Sorry," we both say at the same time.

He opens his mouth but shuts it.

"Bathroom?" I ask.

He glances around the tent. "It's over there. The others are all done. Want me to carry you, so you don't get stuck?"

"Nope, I'm good. Thanks." I take a few strides.


"Gotta go. Talk later," I reply and continue toward the treeline.

I trudge through the mud and uneven ground and do my business. I stay away from Dirk and focus on the other women.

"Where's Vanessa?" I ask Penelope.

"She went to the river to wash up."

"That sounds good. I'd kill for a bar of soap right now."

Dirk's deep voice booms behind me. "I've got you covered, Little Diva. And I was just headed there."

I should be insulted when he calls me 'Little Diva,' but I don't think he means it derogatory. Maybe I'm just crazy from being held captive for so long, but I get little flutters every time he calls me it.

I close my eyes. There's no getting out of this. I open them, spin then force a smile. "Great."

"Bye," Penelope chirps.

"See you in a bit."

"After you," Dirk motions.

My stomach flutters with nerves, but I let him lead me to the edge of the woods.

"It's going to get muddy. Want a piggyback ride?" His hazel eyes twinkle, and I almost say yes.

"Nope, I got it."


"I'm more than capable of walking through the woods," I snap.

"Fine. Suit yourself."

We track through the forest in silence, and my shoes keep getting stuck. A slippery looking mudhole is so big there is no way to get around it.

"Ready for that piggyback ride?"


You're an idiot and should take the piggyback. You're going to be up to your ankles in mud.

Don't touch him.

He crosses and holds out his hand, but I refuse to take it.

As soon as my foot hits the ground, I go flying on my backside. Mud swirls all around me.

"Zoe, you okay?" Dirk holds his hands out, but I don't take them.

"I'm fine." I attempt to push myself out of the mud, but I'm stuck and end up flat on my back. My head sinks into the dirt.

"Zoe, stop being pigheaded and let me help you."

"I don't need your help."

"Really? You don't seem to be making much progress from where I'm standing."

"I'm fine." I try again to get up but can't, and I'm only getting dirtier.

Dirk leans down, puts his hands under my armpits, and yanks me up.

"I said I had it handled."

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did."

"You are the most stubborn woman I've ever met."

"And you are like every other man that doesn't listen and just does whatever you want."

His eyes flare with anger. "No, I'm not."

I want to believe him, but my ego and past experience won't let me. I stomp past him and continue toward the river I see peeking through the trees.

He grabs my arm. "Zoe—"

"Don't touch me," I seethe.

He puts his hands in the air. "Sorry."

We get out of the treeline and at the edge of the river. Vanessa and Hunter

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