Hayley - Kathryn Shay Page 0,22

can like yours and mine, too.”

He kissed her nose. “I like you.” He tipped her chin. “More, than that, I think.”

She didn’t respond right away. Then, “I think I more than like you, too, Paul.”

“That’s a relief.”

“So, come to my bedroom while I get clothes. I’d like to shower, too.”

“No, if I go in there, we’ll never get to Hidden Cove. I’ll sit out here and do some email. I haven’t checked mine since last night.”

He made quick work of showering and throwing a few things in a duffle bag, then found Hayley stretched out on a chaise, reading her phone. She looked up. “I checked CNN for the news. The headline is, “Gotham has another Batman.”


She smiled when he frowned. “It’ll pass.”

“Not before they find out everything about me.”

“Are you hiding skeletons?”

He shook his head, but inside he admitted he was lying.

Chapter 5

* * *

Hayley was determined to enjoy the weekend despite her knowledge that Paul’s background seemed a problem for him. She told herself it was fine with her, he was entitled to his privacy, and she’d simply enjoy today and tomorrow.

In a better mood by the time they reached Hidden Cove, she took his hand as he helped her out of his car and studied the house before him. “Again, a nice place.”

“Yeah. I appreciate it.”

“You appreciate most things.” He tugged her close. “I love that about you.”


They climbed the steps and went in through the front door. When he just stood there, she tried to see it through his eyes. The house was three decades old, with a good-sized kitchen, where they entered. Bridget had remodeled the space so everything was sleek. Like her. A huge living room straight ahead through an archway had a panoramic view of the water.

“The second story has four bedrooms and baths.”

“What’s on the bottom floor?”

“A storage area for boats and a small bedroom.” She set her hat and bag aside. “How about some lunch?”

“I am hungry.”

“Why don’t you go outside on the deck and enjoy the view while I get food and put it out.”


From the kitchen island, she saw that he walked out to the deck. She flipped on her iPod and listened to smooth jazz as she worked, cutting up fruit, cold cuts, and cheeses they’d picked up on the way here. They’d also gotten steaks for dinner.

The back door opened, and she looked over. “What are you doing here?”

Bridget, wearing a gauzy white top with a scarf and aqua pants, stepped inside. “I’ve come to pack up my personal things. A moving company is coming to get them on Monday.”

“You could have called.”

Ignoring Hayley’s comments, she set a white bag on the counter. “What are you doing here?”

“The place is partly mine, Mother.”

“I’m not disputing that, though had I known your brother was buying it up right my under my nose, I wouldn’t have sold it.”

“That’s spiteful, isn’t it?”

“He deserves no better. Do you come up every weekend?”


“I have to say you’re being more reticent than normal.” She glanced down. “Are you fixing all that for yourself? Or…are those Casella cousins coming here? I thought maybe the car I saw was one of theirs.”

“None of the above.”

“Hey.” Hayley heard from the glass doors closing. “I’m hungry for more than…” Paul appeared in the archway. “Oh! Hello.”

Bridget frowned. “Paul Covington?” She transferred her gaze to Hayley. “You two are sworn enemies.”

He captured Hayley’s gaze and smiled, sexily. “Not anymore.”

“You’ve made peace?”

“Mother, none of this is your business.”

She’d changed her tone when Paul appeared, but she turned back into a shrew and pointed an icy glare at Hayley. It used to make her shrink back. “I won’t tolerate being addressed like that.”

“Fine. You can give me your key before you leave.”

“Leave? I told you…”

“Next time you want to come to our house, call either me or Finn. We’ll arrange to meet you so you can get your things.”

Bridget raised her chin. “So be it. Afterward, don’t call me.” A threat she made the morning she’d come to the condo after the jail stay.

Paul walked to the door and pulled it open. “Goodbye, Mrs. Casella.”

“It’s Sullivan,” she said disgustedly. “It always has been.”

When he closed the door on her, he approached Hayley. “How are you?”

“I’m tired of her bossiness. Her presumptuousness.”

“I could see that.” He put his hands on her shoulders from behind and began to knead the tension there. “Will you never see her again?”

“No, I will. I can’t abandon my family.” She stared after her mother. “Like she

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