Hayden (A Next Generation Carter Brother #4) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,117

gets louder, the water angrily flowing downstream when we shoot through a small clearing.

Up ahead, Hayden comes into view, and a smile pulls at the corner of my lips. So much relief pours through me that I slow a little, taking in the moment, glad she’s okay.

She’s really okay.

I hadn’t allowed myself to let all the fear in. I locked it in a box and closed it away, knowing that if I let it in, I wouldn’t be able to think straight.

My smile drops the second a man steps into view, stepping closer to Hayden. My heart catches in my throat when she sways, looking weak and tired.

“I’ll get you for this,” she screams, clawing at his face when he grabs her.

“Hayden!” I yell, swallowing down the fear.

His reply is drowned out by the thunder rumbling in the sky, the sound bouncing off the trees. I push myself harder, keeping in line with Landon as we race to get her.

When the guy—who I assume is Fisher—grabs her around the neck and begins to walk her backwards, so she’s at the edge of the raging water, terror sucks the air from my lungs.

“No, no, no,” I repeat when I realise we aren’t going to reach her in time. “Hayden!”

Just as we’re metres away, Max comes speeding through the trees, using the distraction of me calling out to her to tackle Fisher to the ground.

My heart shudders in relief, until my gaze lands back on Hayden. Her eyes widen as she realises she’s going to fall, her arms flailing in the air.

“No!” I scream, not knowing how far that fall goes.

“Hayden,” Landon roars.

Without thinking, Landon and I both follow, jumping over the edge and into the water. Icy cold needles stab me all over as I surface, gasping for breath.

“Fuck,” I curse, feeling my muscles tighten.

I tread water, searching for Hayden when I can’t see her. Hayden can swim. I know she can. Yet she’s nowhere to be found.

“Where is she?” I ask a pale-faced Landon, who has just come up for air.

He’s just about to duck back under when something catches his attention. “There!” he yells, pointing a little further down the stream.

I draw in a long breath when I see the sight of her, face down, unmoving in the water and somehow snagged on a fallen tree.

The water slams against my back as I freeze. I can’t lose her. I just got her.

“No,” Landon chokes out before swimming his way over to her.

I push forward, kicking my feet with gusto as I swim over to her. I turn her around as Landon works on freeing her.

“Please, God, no,” I pant, blinking rain out of my eyes.

I rest her head against my shoulder, and a whimper escapes my lips when I see one side of her face is smeared in blood. It’s not even her only injury. Bruises are forming on her neck, clearly outlining the hand that must have wrapped around her throat in a vice-like grip, yet she came crashing through those trees, exhaustion tearing at her with every stride, and still she held her ground when that fucker caught up with her. Her palms are scraped raw, yet dirt and blood are caked beneath her nails, evidence she clawed at someone. I can see she fought back, and she fought well.

“We can’t risk trying to go back upstream to the others. The current is too strong,” Landon explains, helping me keep her head above water when it begins to rise.

“Can you get up there?” I yell, jerking my head towards the wall of rock, mud and roots from bushes and trees.

“Landon,” Liam yells, skidding to a stop above us.

I cover Hayden, protecting her from the stones and dirt that break off, falling over us.

Leaning back, I wipe the hair off her face, giving her a little shake. “Wake up. Please, wake up.”

“She’s not fucking sleeping,” Landon snaps, pulling at some ivy wound around some branches.

“Holy fuck!” Beau curses, coming to a stop next to Liam.

“Help her,” I plead, coughing when a gush water splashes over us and into my face.

“Liam, get down on your stomach and lean over the edge. I’ll hold onto your legs so you can reach down. Grab Landon first,” Beau orders.

“No, get Hayden. I don’t know if she’s breathing,” I argue, kissing her temple.

“Oh God,” Liam moans, staring down at her from his position on his stomach. He looks pale, his chin trembling.

“We need the help to get her up. She’s unconscious,” Beau snaps,

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