Hawk (Reckless Kings MC #2) - Harley Wylde Page 0,40

wanted to laugh when I recalled how his knees had practically been scrunched up to this chest when he’d gotten into the car.

The nurse pulled the needle from my arm and put a bandage over it. “All done. The lab is closed today, but we should have results in the next day or two. Someone will call with the results.”

She stepped out and I changed back into my clothes. The doctor had already done a second exam, taken a urine sample, and asked his nurse to take several vials of blood. I didn’t know what exactly he was looking for. I hoped he found it without me needing to open up another vein.

“Are you really buying a car today?” I asked.

“Yep, and you’re going to help me pick it out. I get final say on how it looks and drives, but I need you to make sure it has all the safety requirements for Freya.”

He tugged on my hand and led me up front. After he settled the account, we went back out to my car. He eyed me balefully before scanning the street.

“What’s wrong? Scared someone will see you get into it?” I asked.

“Yes. That’s it exactly.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I had planned to check out the dealership in the next town. You hungry?”

“Uh. I think that just gave me whiplash. How did we go from a car lot to food?”

He grinned. “Because there’s a great diner down the block where we can eat while I wait for a Prospect to bring one of the club vehicles. He can drive your tin can back. Better yet. How attached are you to that thing?”

“My dad gave it to me when I turned sixteen and got my license, and it was used back then. It’s about fifteen years old now.”

“Then we’ll shop for two vehicles while we’re out.”

“Don’t I need mine to use as a trade?” I asked. “And are you sure you want two car payments?”

“You’re cute.” He smiled. “I’m not making payments, baby. We’re going to make a cash offer. Besides, the place I want to go will cut me a deal. The owner owes the club.”

I wasn’t sure I wanted to know why he owed the Reckless Kings anything. As a cop’s daughter, and sister, the less I knew the better. Even if this wasn’t my family’s jurisdiction, I’d rather pretend complete ignorance of any illegal dealings. I’d noticed the fancy clubhouse when we’d arrived that first night. There was no way in hell the club ran one hundred percent legit businesses.

“You can pay cash for two new cars?” I asked.

“Come on, baby. We can discuss finances later. Let me feed you.”

“I’m not a man-eating plant,” I muttered.

His brow furrowed and he looked adorably confused by my remark. He’d clearly never watched Little Shop of Horrors. It seemed my guy was in need of a movie-cation. My. Guy. Holy crap! He’d said he was just as much mine as I was his. I still hadn’t really wrapped my brain around it.

He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text before we entered the diner.

A harried-looking waitress motioned to the half-full dining room. “Sit anywhere you want.”

“Lyssa says Freya is doing just fine,” he said as he slid into a booth. I took the spot across from him, fighting back a smile. “And she sent someone by the house to check on Cuddles. He’s apparently chewed the corner of his cat tree, but nothing else seems to be disturbed. He may need some toys for when we aren’t home.”

“You checked on both of them?” I asked.

“Well, yeah. Freya doesn’t really know Lyssa and Beast. Plus, they have their own baby. I don’t want them to get overwhelmed if Freya starts crying and won’t stop. And I knew you’d worry about Cuddles being alone for too long in a strange place. Although he seems to be settling in pretty well.”

His phone chimed and his eyes went comically wide before he turned it to face me. A guy in a Reckless Kings cut cradled our daughter against his chest, where she slept peacefully. It certainly wasn’t Beast.

“Who is that?” I asked.

“Copper. It seems he has the magic touch,” Hawk said. “Now I think I’m jealous. She likes him more than me.”

I studied the image again. “I think she likes him more than both of us. But if he can keep her calm and quiet, I might let him move in.”

Hawk snorted. “Sorry, baby. We aren’t inviting

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