Hawk (Reckless Kings MC #2) - Harley Wylde Page 0,19


“Don’t see why not. Maybe she’d realize how much you like her.”

Or she’d just kick my ass to the curb. Yeah, I was being a pussy. I could admit it.

“The Dixie Reapers have it handled,” I said.

Forge held up his hands. “Whatever, brother. But if you lose your chance with her, you’ll have no one to blame but yourself. Just remember that.”

Why did I feel like he’d just cursed me? I narrowed my eyes at him, but the fucker just grinned.

Chapter Four

Hayley -- Nine Months Later

My back ached and exhaustion tugged at me. Freya had kept me up all night, again. I’d known raising her on my own wouldn’t be easy. My family hadn’t been thrilled over my pregnancy from the beginning, but I hadn’t thought they’d toss me out like unwanted garbage. All right, that wasn’t entirely fair. My dad had been making a point. Problem was I was just as stubborn as him.

I’d refused to give up Hawk’s name. Especially since Dad had met him. I still couldn’t believe he’d been the one to catch the guy. Why had he been in town? Was it a coincidence he’d been around to help the Dixie Reapers? I didn’t even want to think about the possibility he’d been here specifically to help me. If that was the case, maybe I’d been wrong about him all along. Had he wanted more than the one night?

No. He’d have said something, surely. Instead, I’d found out he’d taken off early the next morning. That wasn’t the action of a man who wanted more time with me. He’d gotten out of here first chance he had. Which meant I’d been right to keep the pregnancy to myself. I’d warred with myself all that night and had finally gotten up the courage to head to the Dixie Reapers the next morning. I’d called Mariah so I’d have a plausible reason for being there, but the moment she’d mentioned their guests had left, I knew there was no point in going.

If I’d had any doubts Hawk would want more from me, I’d known then I’d meant nothing to him. He would have stayed otherwise, right? I honestly hadn’t expected more from him, had even assured him it wasn’t likely I’d get pregnant from our night together. I shouldn’t have lied and implied I was on birth control. It was irresponsible and I’d paid the price. Not that Freya was a burden. She was the love of my life, even when she was cranky.

But Hawk had clearly not wanted any of that. He’d just wanted a good time, and I’d wanted to not be a virgin anymore. We’d both gotten what we needed at the time. I’d just ended up with a free gift with purchase.

Freya was now three months old. I had a job I hated, but it kept a roof over our heads for the most part. Or it had. I listened to the voicemail again, my stomach knotting in fear.

I’m sorry, Hayley. I have to let you go and I’ll need the apartment too.

My boss, James Gilbert, wasn’t a hard ass. He’d actually been super nice, but I also knew I hadn’t been doing as great a job lately as I could have. Whether I liked it or not, he was running a business and not a charity. His family owned several garages around town, as well as a towing service. James had been nice enough to let me work at the location he managed and had set me up in a studio apartment as part of my pay. The worst part of losing the job was feeling like I’d let down the VP of the Dixie Reapers too. Venom had set up the job for me, and I’d blown it.

But with all the sleepless nights, and Freya being too much for a daycare to handle, I’d missed a lot of work lately. My mom would have gladly kept her, but she’d worried how my dad would react. I loved my parents, but my dad was being an ass. Even my mom said as much. I knew deep down, he was worried about me, and he’d hoped by pushing me, I’d admit who Freya’s dad was so my father could pressure him into doing the right thing. He meant well, even if he was fucking it all up. Because I was just as stubborn as him.

What the hell was I going to do?

My hands were shaking when a knock sounded at the door. I

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