Havoc at Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #1) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,71

I'm not about getting pregnant.”

“Fucking Christ,” Vic snaps. “I'll take you.”

“I'd rather go with Hael,” I say, putting my hand on the cocky asshole's arm. “Is it okay if Heather stays here while we're gone? Shouldn't be long.”

“You're too much, Bernadette,” Vic growls, stalking past me and disappearing into the dark hallway that leads back to what used to be Aaron's parents' bedroom.

“You like pushing his buttons?” Callum asks, chuckling, that rough voice of his soothing in a strange sort of way. It's like, he's internalized all his shit, and the only time it ever comes out is in an ambient sort of darkness in his voice. “That's a risky ballgame. You've got big ovaries, Bernadette Blackbird.” With another burst of laugher, Cal slips past me and into the kitchen.

“Don't stay gone long. We have projects to work on.” Oscar's eyes catch on mine, these gray shadows that terrify me even more than the endless black of Vic's irises. “And only two days off of school to do it in.”

I move past him and head outside, beyond grateful to find a bit of peace in Hael's car.

“Aren't you dating some girl from Fuller High?” I ask, and Hael shrugs. It's neither a yes nor a no, but I'm too pissed off to care. If he has a girlfriend, that's his problem. Thursday means getting back to school, walking up the front steps of Prescott High and knowing that I'll be navigating a minefield of social politics. “Bet she’s a hot piece of ass, for you to cross the Fuller-Prescott line for her.”

Hael laughs, this loud, braying sort of sound that I actually kind of like. It’s an uninhibited, wild kind of laugh.

“That’s pretty much all she is,” he says as he pulls into the parking lot of a nearby drug store. I figured he’d idle in the lot while I ran in, but he turns the engine off and pockets the keys, glancing over at me as rain spatters the windshield in big, fat drops. “I’m pretty sure I hate her. Maybe I’ve always hated her?”

“You screw people you hate?” I ask, and he cocks a brow at me.

“You slept with Vic.”

He has a point.

Instead of answering, I smile and push open my door, heading out into the rain and ducking into the front entrance. The place smells like bleach and everything is too white and too sterile. For a moment, I just stand there, wondering where I’m supposed to go and what I’m supposed to do. It’s not like I’ve ever needed morning-after pills before.

“You’re right,” I say as Hael comes to stand beside me, a sea of color in an otherwise colorless building. “I hate Vic.”

Hael works his jaw for a minute, like he’s thinking about something, and then gestures with his chin toward the back-left corner of the store.

“Come on, little bird,” he says, and I bristle at the nickname, following along behind him. I don’t need a guy to tell me about morning-after pills; I have Google. I try to surreptitiously pull out my phone to do some quick research when Hael grabs my hand and yanks me along after him. “Ahh, here we go.” He pauses in an aisle filled with tampons and pads on one side, condoms and lube on the other. “Here we go. You have a brand preference?”

“Fifty bucks?!” I choke, grabbing one of the boxes with my mouth hanging open. “For one pill?!”

A couple holding hands starts down the aisle toward us and then pauses, looking unsure.

“Oh Shnookums,” Hael says, pulling me into his arms and nuzzling my ear. My entire body lights up with flame, even as my muscles stiffen up and my fingers clench tight around the box in my hands. “It’s okay. I’m a gentleman. I always pay for emergency contraceptives after coming in my girl.” He pauses and glances over like he’s just seen the other couple. “Oh, don’t mind us. We’re just grabbing supplies for our next fuck-fest.”

The couple makes a very hasty exit as Hael chuckles, and I elbow my way out of his arms.

“Seriously?” I ask with a dramatic eye roll, putting the box back and selecting a slightly cheaper generic version instead. Thirty-five bucks. Vic better reimburse Hael for this. “Alright, let’s go.”

Hael plucks the box from my hand, puts it back, and then grabs four of the expensive name-brand pills.

“Just in case,” he says, lifting them up. “And then because you two are idiots …” He grabs a box of condoms next,

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