Havoc at Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #1) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,140

for the door handle though, I feel Aaron’s fingers on my arms. Adrenaline shoots through me as I glance back.

His face is resolute, determined, his jaw clenched.

“I know it can’t possibly make up for everything that happened, but for what it’s worth, Bernadette, I’m … I’m sorry.” My eyes widen, and I try to pull away, but Aaron won’t let me go. His fingers dig into my skin, and my hands start to shake. “I’ve never stopped loving you; I just thought you should know that.”

I tear my arm from his grip and slam the car door, putting my back to it and closing my eyes. I don’t even care that Aaron can still see me standing there. What the actual fuck?! How dare he throw that shit in my face like that. How dare he. How fucking dare he …

“Are you okay?” Heather asks as she approaches me cautiously, dressed in an orange and black Halloween sweater. Neither my little sister nor Aaron’s girls were allowed to wear their costumes to either school. Makes me sad. I remember how everyone used to get dressed up, and we’d have Halloween cupcakes and candy during class. Guess times have changed a bit since I was in elementary school, huh?

“I’m fine,” I say, pushing up off the van and signing the school monitor’s little clipboard. I throw open the back door and hold her backpack while she climbs in. She, of course, is more than happy to see Aaron. The two of them start chatting about possible trick or treating routes—for years I’ve taken her to the rich people neighborhood in Oak River Heights—and I stare out the window, trying my best to process Aaron’s words.

“I’ve never stopped loving you.”

And that means what? That he still does love me?

I decide I can’t deal with this revelation, not tonight.

We grab Kara and Ashley and then head back to Aaron’s place where the rest of the Havoc crew is waiting for us.

“We have four hours until we need to leave for Stacey’s party,” Oscar informs us, leaning over the counter in the half-bath near the front door. He’s got a black makeup crayon in his hand, turning to face me with some ghastly dark circles around his eyes. I won’t lie, I have to stop and do a bit of a double take.

“What are you supposed to be?” I ask, and a sharp smirk curves over Oscar’s lips.

“You’ll see,” he warns, a dark note in his voice that makes me shiver. I shake the feeling off and roll my eyes, guiding the girls upstairs to help them into their costumes. Aaron hovers nearby, but finally gives up and heads outside to smoke a joint.

“Something happen between you two?” Vic asks me, cornering me as I herd the girls back downstairs for better lighting. He cuts me off at the staircase as the three little ones skip past. My skin feels suddenly too tight, and I have to resist the urge to squirm under that sharp gaze.

“If it did, would it be your business?” I ask, and he gives me this shit-eating grin.

“It would, yeah.” Victor reaches out with that big hand of his, smoothing some of my hair back. Just that little touch makes me want him, and I hate that. I hate that I feel like a drug addict with a habit when he’s around. “You’re my girl, remember?”

“Since when?” Cal asks, appearing from the shadows of the spare bedroom. I’ve just barely peeked in there, but it’s got one queen bed and a set of bunk beds on the opposite wall. Back in the day, when Aaron’s parents lived here, it was his dad’s office. Now, it functions as Cal, Hael, and Oscar’s bedroom. Aaron obviously has his own room, and piece of shit Victor Channing gets the master all to himself. “You need to rein in that possessive streak of yours, boss.”

Victor scowls at Callum, pushing up off the wall to give his much smaller teammate a look.

“Did you finish the props for tonight?” Vic asks as I notice the item clutched in Cal’s hand. It’s a black baseball bat with nails strategically hammered through the end, leaving the points sticking out precariously.

Callum grins and swings the weapon up to his shoulder, just barely missing stabbing himself with it.

“All ready,” he says, and Vic nods. I don’t know what they’re all planning on as far as costumes go, and I haven’t asked. I figure I’ll see them later. For now, I

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