Havoc at Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #1) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,102

and keeping my attention on the cabinets instead.

“Are you done?” he asks them, and the boys nod. “Good. We'll drop most of the product off tomorrow and keep the rest here for emergencies.” He glances my way, maybe noticing the way Hael and I are leaning into each other. I refuse to meet his gaze until he talks to me like a goddamn adult.

“Shower's free!” Callum calls down the stairs, and Aaron groans, rising to his feet and flicking a glance over at Hael.

“Mind if I go first?”

“Have at it,” Hael says, and he, on the other hand, has no problem looking right at Vic. I glance back and find that Oscar's gone, leaving the three of us alone in the dark kitchen. The only light comes from the cracked door of the fridge. “Are you finally going to say it aloud? You know Bernadette and I fucked in my car. And we gave each other head in Vaughn's office. You know fucking everything, so why not just say what you're thinking and get it over with? Because both Bernadette and I don't get it. Isn't this part of why she's here? To be our girl? Our girl? Or is she just your girl then?”

Victor stiffens up, and I finally gather the courage to glance his way. His jaw is clenched, but he isn't saying anything. Instead, he just slides his dark gaze from Hael and over to me.

“Did you like it?” he asks, and there are so many shadows in his face that I can barely make out his expression. “Screwing Hael in that pretty car of his?”

“You're the one that told me to do it,” I snap back, realizing that I'm already shaking. He's doing it to me again, melting that frigid core inside of my heart and releasing a torrent of emotions that are impossible to make sense of. “You practically commanded me to fuck him.”

Vic laughs, but the sound is dark, foreign. It puts this gap between us, a yawning chasm that can never close.

“You're right, I did,” he says, and then shakes his head, raking his fingers through his hair. “You could barely stand letting me touch you, but the look on your face when you were riding him … Well, shit, Hael must be as good as all the sluts at Fuller High say he is.”

“You were watching us?” I grind out, but I'm full of shit because I knew he was. I knew it. And I wanted him to watch. “And don't call them sluts. If anyone's a slut, it's Hael.”

“I'm still standing here,” he snaps, sounding irritated. “Do you two want me to leave so you can anger fuck each other on the kitchen counter?”

“I want you two in the master bedroom,” Vic commands, tearing himself away from my gaze and heading for the hallway. “Now.”

“This is insane,” Hael growls out, scrubbing at his face with his hand. He glances over at me. “You didn't like him touching you?”

“That wasn't what happened,” I reply, feeling the layers of my anger crack and break apart.

When Vic touches me, my shields fall away, and I can't breathe. When he touches me, all I can think about is how I want him to touch me more. When he's not around, all I think about is how to get him back.

It's an obsession I've had for years.

Victor Channing, my dark, little secret want.

“Huh.” Hael sets his beer aside and stands up, offering out a hand for me to take. I do, letting him pull me to my feet, and then carefully extracting my fingers from his. We head down the hall together, one of my palms pressed into my stomach, trying to quiet the sudden rush of nervous energy that's percolating through me.

Vic is waiting in a chair near the window, the only light in the room from a single lamp on the table beside him. His hair looks more purple than black right now, an aubergine color that really suits the slightly tan color of his skin. His irises are a deep brown, but, like they often do, they seem black.

The knuckles of one tattooed hand are curled against the side of his face while he rubs a thumb along the side of his phone with the other.

“Take a seat on the bed,” he says, and Hael and I exchange a glance.

“What's this all about?” Hael asks, and Vic looks up at him, the anger gone from his face, replaced with something else I can't

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