Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,69

Lo'San home, your mother will no longer be unhappy. All will be restored, and I’m proud that it’s you who’s now the most respected in your mother’s home, and ours,” Ph’eel said coyly.

Ko'San stood a little taller, but watched her suspiciously.

“You know, I thought I was going to have to order you to assist your mother, but I see now that you are so loyal, so selfless in putting her and me first, that you are the first husband I’ve desired all along. Forgive me for not seeing it before,” Ph’eel said, dropping her head and feigning shame.

Ko'San smiled wide, his chest filling with pride. “I am pleased to be all you need, my Ph’eel. You shall not ever be reminded of the slight of my position. I am proud to serve you in all you need.”

“Am I forgiven?” she asked with a pout.

“You are forgiven,” he said magnanimously.

“Go get him outfitted in one of Lo’San’s uniforms,” Mee'ta said, as she tore a piece of paper in half and began to practice the symbols that Ph’eel’s laptop provided in response to her request to translate the sentences she’d typed in.

“Wait!” Ko'San objected as Ph’eel tried to lead him into the bedroom where Synclare slept. “Won’t she wake?”

“I’ve already given her another dose of medication. She will not wake. And just to be sure that she won’t wake on the trip, I’ll give her another dose before you leave, and you will do the same before you drop her off,” Mee'ta said.

“Won’t that kill her?” Ph’eel asked.

“Does it concern you that she may no longer breathe?” Mee'ta asked. “What do you want? Lo'San back in your bed, or searching for his errant mate, should he decide to go after her? She may live to see her planet again, and she may not. Either way it is of no concern to us.”

“Lo'San in my bed, of course! It is all I’ve wanted for years!” Ph’eel answered without thinking.

Ko'San watched his mate, then turned and looked back at his mother who was busily copying information from Ph’eel’s tablet. It just didn’t feel right to him. Neither was behaving as though they simply wanted Lo'San back home, and neither was behaving as though they now recognized him as first husband.

Ph’eel glanced up at Ko'San and realized what she’d said. “As long as it pleases my first husband, of course,” she amended, flashing Ko'San a seductive smile.

Ko'San didn’t respond, he just followed along when she grabbed his hand and led him into the bedroom.


The doors granting entry to the docking bay swung wide as Ko'San approached them with Synclare in his arms. He wore his battle helmet, and had the face shield raised so that his face could be seen.

“General!” several males on duty who recognized him said, snapping to attention as he approached.

“Which of these transports is ready for use?” Ko’San asked.

“Farthest on the port side, General. Same as usual, can I assist you with anything?” the warrior asked.

“Yes. Get me a pilot at once. I’ll be waiting aboard the transport,” Ko'San answered.

The warrior lifted his communicator and swiped across a few screens. “I have no flight plan filed for you, General.”

“Whatever pilot you send to fly it will file the flight plan,” Ko'San snapped.

“It can only be flown by the pilot assigned to it, sir,” the warrior said, his brow creasing in confusion.

“I know that. Bring him to duty now!” Ko'San demanded.

“He’s on duty, General. In the lounge there, waiting to be needed, as are the pilots of the other two transports ready and waiting,” the warrior said, not sure why General Lo'San wasn’t remembering this was standard protocol. There were always three transports left available for immediate use, and those pilots assigned to those transports were in the lounge, a small glass-enclosed room particularly for them to kill time in until or unless they were needed, until they were relieved and another pilot took their place. The warrior lifted his arm and pointed to several males laughing and talking in a small room across from them clearly able to be seen from the flight deck.

“Then send the right one to the transport,” Ko'San ordered.

“Yes, sir,” the warrior answered, knowing that Lo'San was acting out of character, but deciding at last that he was after all General Lo'San and with his family aboard, he obviously had a lot on his mind. “May I help with your mate, General?” the warrior offered.

“No. She is sleeping and I do not wish to awaken her.”

“Very well.

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