Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,67

off. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he knew it had to do with Sink Lar. He was worried about her, and feeling a little disconnected from her, if truth be told.

A chime let him know someone was waiting outside his door, and frustratedly he rose to answer it. Standing before his door he was surprised to find his mother and father smiling warmly at him. “Have I forgotten an arranged meeting?” he asked.

“No, Lo'San. But, I thought that since you are not on duty this day, and you and your father have yet to spend any time together without all the rest of us being in attendance, that you could spend the day with him,” Mee'ta said sweetly.

“Sink Lar…” he started.

“I will sit with Sink Lar just as I did yesterday. She will be fine. Our days here are limited, you know. I would feel ever so disappointed if I didn’t help to give you and your father some time to spend alone,” Mee'ta said. “I have been selfish with your time. It was very thoughtless of me.”

“Shall we take a tour of the Command Deck, then you can show me your training facility, and then perhaps engineering. I’ve always wondered at the inner workings of a ship this size!” Lau'San said excitedly.

Lo'San thought about it. “I look forward to spending the day with you, Father, but perhaps we can spend a few hours together tomorrow…”

“You are on duty tomorrow and you would have only a few hours at best. You should take advantage of the day. Sink Lar is sleeping, is she not? She will not even know that you are not beside her. I will tend her just as carefully as yesterday,” Mee'ta assured him.

“Perhaps we could go to the simulation room and play a lively game of Ru’geel!” Lau'San said.

Lo'San grinned, remembering the rough game his father used to play with him and Ko'San when they were children. The object was to scale a jagged cliff face, locate a hidden likeness of the once feared Ru’geel — a violent raptor inhabiting their home planet of Eschina. It was a game based on ancient tradition of a demonstration by the males of how they could provide for the females, if they were chosen. The ancient game was originally played just before the gala during which the females would offer their claims on the available males.

Now, though, it was simply a reminder of a time long gone, which was often played for fun by fathers and their sons to teach them of their history.

“I would very much enjoy a game of Ru’geel,” Lo'San said. “Our simulators have been programmed to our cliffs at home,” Lo'San explained.

“Go, then. I’ll sit with your Sink Lar. Enjoy your day with your father,” Mee'ta encouraged.

“Very well, but, you must promise to call for me the moment she wakes. I wish to speak with her, to let her know that I am even more committed than she knows,” Lo'San said.

“I understand, my son. It is sometimes difficult to feel seen by your bonded if they suffer. All will be well when she awakes,” Mee'ta said. “She will not mind you being away from home. It was Sink Lar after all that has been instrumental in our reunion. She would not want to interfere with your time with your father.”

“We can wait for another day,” Lau'San suggested.

“No, Mother is right. I am not on duty this day. Sink Lar is resting. It is the perfect time. Allow me a few moments to change and we go straightaway,” Lo'San said, excited to spend the day with Lau'San.

Chapter 18

Mee'ta had been alone with Synclare for less than an hour when the chime outside the door sounded to signal someone was awaiting admittance.

Mee'ta walked over and released the hold on the door so it could sweep open.

“I’ve brought my tablet, just as you advised, Mother ‘San,” Ph’eel said, standing with Ko'San directly behind her and holding out the tablet for Mee'ta to take from her.

“Excellent. Enter. We have much to do,” Mee'ta responded.

“You have not explained to me what we are doing,” Ph’eel complained.

“We are returning Sink Lar to her planet Earth. We will make it seem as though Lo'San has done so to all those who encounter her, and we will make it seem as though Sink Lar has done so to Lo'San. He will be broken, and return to our family for solace. Our home will once again be as it should have been.

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