Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,61


Doc made quick work of taking another blood sample, capped it and put it safely in his lab, then returned to them with more vials of pain and nausea medicine.

“These will help with the side effects as usual. Do be careful with the dosage. This is very strong and could possibly have adverse effects,” Doc said.

“Of course,” Lo'San answered.

Synclare whimpered a bit and squeezed Lo'San’s hand.

“Already, Sink Lar?” he asked, surprised that her body was already responding to the injection she was given. It usually took a bit longer before it hit her.

“You should see her home. I will perform the additional testing and contact you if necessary. Do not be surprised if I do not contact you right away. I may take the opportunity to reach out to Earth’s physicians and ask a few questions. I wonder if I have not been remiss in my assumption that they could provide no information simply because of their unfamiliarity with our fertility procedures.”

“Thank you for all your efforts,” Synclare said.

Doc left them so that she could get dressed, and he hurried to his lab. He had a new theory that he just couldn’t believe he’d not considered before.


Not even halfway to their quarters Lo'San had to pick up Synclare and carry her in his arms. The pain set in so quickly and so severely that she couldn’t stand any longer, much less walk.

“This is not worth young ones, Sink Lar. I cannot bear to watch you suffer like this any longer,” Lo'San said.

“It’s not that bad,” she insisted.

“You cannot walk, the pain is so intense,” Lo'San pointed out.

“But it will pass. And then, we’ll have a little you running around,” Synclare said, smiling through the grimace on her face as she attempted to ride out the pain.

Lo'San stepped off the lift and turned toward their quarters. The moment he did he was surprised to find his mother and Ph’eel waiting outside their door. “This is not a good time,” he barked.

“No, it’s okay. They wanted to help me after the appointment today. I told them that I’d speak to you about it, but you got there late and then…,” her explanation faded as a wave of nausea hit her.

“I’m not leaving you like this,” Lo'San said, holding her closely to his chest as he slapped his hand against the sensor beside their door.

“You’re on duty,” she said quietly. “And your mother can take care of me if I need anything,” Synclare insisted.

“Sink Lar…” he started, as he walked inside and his mother and sister-in-law waited for his decision politely outside their door, watching him hold Synclare as though she would break she was so fragile.

“I have grown very fond of my bond-daughter, Lo'San. My heart aches for her attempts to provide you with a young one. Her dedication to your happiness has won me over. Please allow me to help in her care,” Mee'ta said.

“I admire her as well,” Ph’eel said. “If she needs you, I will come for you at once.”

“I’m not leaving until she is resting easy,” Lo'San said adamantly.

“Please, whatever you want to do is fine. I just really need to take my medicine,” Synclare said, urging him to hurry up with whatever decision he’d make.

“Very well, enter,” he said to the two women waiting for his decision, before spinning and carrying his mate toward their bedroom.

He laid Synclare on their bed and removed her clothing, then pulled another of his soft undershirts over her head and dressed her in it. Then he tucked her under the covers and kissed her. “I’ll be right back,” he promised.

Synclare rolled over to her side and held her stomach where she cramped so intensely, and allowed herself to fall into uncontrollable sobs. She knew somewhere deep inside that she was letting go of the dream of having children. She just couldn’t go through this anymore. Not only was it becoming physically prohibitive, but Lo'San had just told her he couldn’t endure watching her suffer anymore. His words were, ‘it wasn’t worth young ones’.

Lo'San hurried out of his bedroom and went to the galley, where he pulled out all he needed to prepare a cup of litah for Synclare. Once done, he withdrew one of the vials of medicine from his pocket and carefully measured out the dosage before mixing it into the litah.

“Is that the medication she needs?” Mee'ta asked.

“It is. You must be very precise when measuring. Too much can cause her harm,” Lo'San said. He placed the vial on

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