Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,49

no doubt that Lo'San knows your worth. I simply meant to advise him on all I’d added to our plantari with the new techniques we’ve implemented.”

Synclare glanced up at Lo'San.

Lo'San looked down at her and leaned over, kissing her forehead. “Plantari is the equivalent to a plantation of your ancient Earth,” he explained.

“Oh. I understand that’s quite a responsibility, Ko'San. I’m very impressed with your mastery of agriculture,” Synclare said.

Ko'San didn’t answer, Ph’eel looked at Synclare.

Lo'San shook his head. “She isn't happy that you spoke to her mate without her permission,” Lo'San said, his disdain for Ph’eel clear. Then he burst out laughing when Synclare answered.

“Seems to me, she spoke to my mate without asking me if it was alright, so, I can speak to hers if I choose to.”

Ph’eel’s eyes would have made Synclare burst into flame if it was possible, but then Ph’eel glanced toward Mee’ta and at once realized that she was not behaving the way Mee’ta had demanded.

Mee’ta began to chortle a bit, and then meeting Synclare’s gaze, she offered a wide, welcoming grin. “You are a strong one, Sink Lar. I see now the strength in you. It is no wonder that Lo'San chose you for his mate. He has chosen well.”

Synclare smiled at Mee’ta. “Thank you, Mee’ta. I appreciate your words more than you know.”

“Please forgive me, Sink Lar. I have never been away from Eschina. I am unfamiliar with the ways of other worlds, and fall back on my upbringing naturally. I meant no offense,” Ph’eel said formally. Then she turned to Ko'San. “Ko'San, my dear mate, please, feel free to interact with Lo'San and his wonderful mate at will.”

Ko'San gave her a nod of understanding.

“Shall I get your meal for you, Mee’ta?” Lo’San’s father asked his mate.

“Yes, please do,” Mee’ta answered.

“I shall get yours, Ph’eel,” Ko'San said.

“Of course,” she answered incredulously, then caught herself and reached out a hand to caress his face. “I would be most thankful.”

Ko'San beamed his pleasure at once, before hurrying to get her food.

Once all were seated again, Lo'San looked toward Ko'San again. “I understand you have young ones,” he said.

“We do,” Ko'San answered. “Two males,” he answered.

“We thankfully have a daughter from my second mate,” Ph’eel said without even looking up from her food.

Ko'San’s smile became strained.

“I had hoped to meet your young ones,” Lo'San said, ignoring Ph’eel’s comment.

“Ph’eel thought they’d be a distraction. They are taking their meal in their quarters with their nanny,” Ko'San answered.

“I would like the opportunity to know them before you return to Eschina,” Lo'San said. “If that isn’t too distracting,” he added.

“We shall make it a point,” Ko'San said. “Do you have young ones?” Ko'San asked, knowing that Lo'San didn’t, and this was something he’d managed that Lo'San had not been able to.

“Sink Lar and I have been working toward young ones for weeks now. We are hoping to have news soon.”

“Are you compatible? Is that why young ones take working with a non Eschinian mate?” Ph’eel asked. And to her credit, she managed to not sound offensive, merely curious.

“As with any mating, there are times that fertility treatments may be beneficial. It will not be long now and there will be so many we will need help tending all our young ones,” Lo'San said. He felt Synclare stiffen beside him, and took her hand in his again.

“I wish you beautiful daughters,” his mother said.

“And sons,” Lau'San added.

“Of course,” Mee’ta said. Then Mee'ta seemed to realize that Lau'San had not spoken before this.

“Your father would like to spend as much time with you as possible, Lo'San,” Mee'ta said a while later. “Tell him, Lau'San.”

Lo'San glanced up toward his father and seemed on the verge of making a comment, but his mother stopped him.

“I was sure I’d made it clear you do not need permission to speak while aboard Lo’San’s ship, Lau'San. My apologies for my social blunder,” Mee'ta said, seeming genuine.

Lo'San shared a silent look with Synclare, and she saw his irritation clearly, though he managed to continue to control himself.

“I would very much enjoy a tour of your ship, Lo'San,” Lau'San said enthusiastically.

“I will enjoy showing you, Father. You are welcome to accompany us as well,” Lo'San said, speaking to Ko'San.

“Thank you for the invitation. I may, depending on the day and time. I may be occupied with my young ones,” Ko'San said politely.

The rest of the meal passed easily, with Lo'San and his father dominating most of the conversation, while Mee'ta made every attempt to engage Synclare, and

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