Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,3

away,” Quin said, clearly unimpressed with the whole thing.

“Surely you could insist on accompanying her for her own safety,” Lo’San suggested.

“I tried. She simply ignored me. Finally stating that if I were to follow and ruin her fun that she would be very disappointed in me. I cannot have my Vivi disappointed in me. So, I’ve devised an alternative plan. You will watch over her activities unbeknownst to her this evening.”

“Surely she will notice that I am there,” Lo’San objected.

“Yes, but she will not know that you are watching her. She will simply think that you are enjoying your time off duty. She intentionally planned this on an evening that I am on duty, so it will make sense that you are taking full advantage of being off duty and recreating in her new Dance Club.”

“You could insist that she cancel and wait for another evening,” Lo’San said.

“You clearly do not know, nor do you understand my Vivi,” Quin grumbled.

Lo’San looked around the Command Deck, noted that all on deck were doing their level best to pretend they weren’t listening, and to be on top of their responsibilities even more so than usual. Their behavior could only mean that Commander Zha Quin Tha was in a sour mood. “Would you like me to take the Command Deck so that you can attend with your Ehlealah?” Lo’San offered.

“No. She would not allow me to attend regardless,” Quin replied. “Which is why you must pretend to have plans of your own and follow them,” Quin said smiling widely.

Lo’San looked at Quin’s smile, realizing it did look very threatening instead of pleasant, just as the females had been discussing when he’d overheard them. “Do you not think that Sirena Vivian would become quite upset if she were to find that I was following her?” Lo’San said, repeating himself in an effort to make it known he wanted no part of this, but not being willing to outright refuse Zha Quin.

“That is why you must not make it obvious that you are following her. You must make it seem as though you are having a night out yourself,” Quin insisted.

“Dancing,” Lo’San said.

“Yes, dancing,” Quin agreed.

“I’d had tentative plans this evening,” Lo’San tried to object gently.

“With a female?” Quin asked.

“Not exactly,” Lo’San admitted, knowing he’d not made firm plans with Sink Lar in a while now.

“You should spend more time with a female. Find yourself a female. There is an available female with Vivi this night. You should dance with her,” Quin said. “You are safe from a forced mating here. We have none of your females aboard. You should find a female that you enjoy and… enjoy her,” Quin finished.

“Thank you, Quin, but I have a female in mind already,” Lo’San said. “I’m just not sure that she’s interested in making her claim.”

Quin was surprised that Lo’San was entertaining ideas of a female. He’d never been one to spend much time on anything other than military strategies. Quin knew it was because of the strong matriarchal society he’d left behind when pledging his loyalty to Cruestace, that he refused to even consider a relationship with a female. He’d left his homeland as a young man when his family tried to force him to accept a place among the chosen husbands of one of their own nobility. Lo’San had refused and left his planet the next morning for Cruestace and a career with their military. “Which female do you have in mind?” Quin asked, his own mind momentarily distracted from his own motives with the unexpected admission from Lo’San.

Lo’San didn’t answer right away. He pursed his lips and thought about not answering Quin. But, Quin was not only his friend, he was his direct Commander and his Sire. Finally he huffed out a breath. “The human, Sink Lar. She is much on my mind.”

Slowly a devious smile curved Zha Quin’s lips. “This is very fortuitous, my friend. She is one of the females accompanying my Vivi on this girls’ night. She will be dining and dancing with my Vivi.”

Lo’San’s senses came to attention at once. “She will?”

“She will. She may even find males who wish to share her company and dance,” Quin suggested.

Lo’San’s expression hardened. “I think I shall honor your request. I will watch over Sirena Vivian and her friends as they enjoy their girls’ night.”

“Excellent! I am quite pleased that you’ve agreed to watch over my Vivi. I will not forget your assistance,” Quin said.

“I’ll take my leave now,” Lo’San answered.

“Thank you, Lo’San.

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