Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,103

we will be welcoming our first youngling soon, we have decided a change is needed. We have decided — Vivi left it to me actually — and I have struggled with the issue for several days. Now that the decision is made, I am fully at peace, and know it is the right decision.”

“I cannot believe it,” Kol muttered under his breath.

Quin met Kol’s gaze and winked at him. He’d had no doubt Kol would figure it out before he even had a chance to announce it.

“Believe what? What decision?” Rokai asked, still standing behind Vivi and Quin with his hands on his hips.

“We will be returning to Cruestace to raise our youngling. It is time I took the mantle of leadership from you, Father, as you’ve long asked me to do. I will not give up my place as Commander of our military forces, but another will actively command this ship and its warriors. All my leadership will come from the palace on Cruestace,” Quin said.

Everyone began talking at once, Eula was telling Vivi excitedly that she’d begin redecorating their wing of the palace at once, Bart was asking who was being left in charge of Command Warship 1, Kol was smiling ear-to-ear, Lo'San was happy for his friends but worried about who his new Commander would be. Rokai was looking like a deer in the headlights, truly a stricken look on his face, and Vivian’s guard were worriedly whispering amongst themselves.

Quin knocked his knuckles on the tabletop to regain everyone’s attention. Once they all quieted down, he spoke again. “There are many details to be decided upon and laid to rest. We will not be leaving the ship this day, this week, or even next, but it is time to begin preparations. In the meantime, transitions will begin to take place. This ship will become known under a different name. It is no longer a warship, and as everyone is aware, it is being used instead for diplomatic missions. Let me be clear, it will be changing in name only. All its current capabilities will remain intact, only for the sake of its new path, a new name should be chosen. Command Warship 1 will not be reassigned, and will instead be held unused in the event it is ever required to once again be known as a warship. Its warriors will continue to be the top of our military as it is subjected to any number of accessibilities that our warships have never been before. Because of this, it must maintain the most efficient warriors. As far as guidance… I’ve appointed my replacement as Commander of this ship.” Quin looked at Lo'San. “Commander Lo'San, congratulations on your new position.”

“Oh, thank the gods,” Rokai mumbled, dramatically leaning against the back of Vivian’s chair. “I did not want that job,” Rokai said, looking down at Vivian while she grinned up at him.

Lo'San broke out into a wide smile he just couldn’t hide.

“You have long ago earned it, my friend. Everyone respects you, your even temperament and quick mind have served us all well. Your loyalty is exemplary. You know this ship and all aboard it as well as I do. I will rest easy knowing she is safely under your command. May you command for a very, very long time, should you decide to accept the position,” Quin said. “You are expecting as well…”

“I will happily accept,” Lo'San said quickly. “Sink Lar and I have discussed the possibility of moving planet side and we both dismissed the idea as soon as it occurred to us. This is our home,” Lo'San said.

“I am happy to hear that,” Quin said. He returned his attention to the remainder of the people in the room. “As Commander Lo'San takes over this ship, his former position is left open. Ba Re’ Non Tol, I’ve recommended you as General, second to Lo'San if you will accept the position.”

“Humbly,” Ba Re’ said, nodding in a dignified manner as he met Quin’s gaze.

Quin gave Ba Re’ a nod before moving on. “Re’Vahl is finished with his training and is officially Lieutenant Commander and will continue with his duties as such. Rokai ahl will begin training as a Lieutenant as well.”

Rokai’s eyebrows scrunched up as he thought about what this might mean for him. “I don’t want to leave my team!” he objected.

“Rokai, you will maintain in the position Kol left vacant when he accepted the Ambassadorship on Earth. You will remain Elite Force Commander, you will, however,

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