Hate (Her Monsters #2) - K.A Knight Page 0,99

a glance at the sheep. Fuck, now I’m on body removal? This job sucks, no wonder so many sheep kill their bosses. “Of course,” I snap, adding some venom to my voice to make it seem like I’m ordered to be here, not snooping.

I head to the bed, but he stops me. “Fallen?”

“Yes?” I snarl, turning to him and giving him my best pissed off expression, which is my normal face, so it isn’t too hard.

“I have a question,” he starts, so I wait silently, not replying. He grins, pours himself a drink, and leans back against the bar, watching me. “You see a lot, hear a lot no doubt, any clues on what has Amos so…riled up?” he queries, sipping the clear liquid.

Huh, he doesn’t know? My face must say it, because he rolls his eyes.

“No one trusts an incubus, and though people deal secrets for sex, I can’t seem to find out, but there is something happening. I can feel it, I’m not stupid. I want to know what so I know where I need to stand.”

Well, that crossed this idiot off our list. He’s more bothered about getting his dick wet than what’s happening right under his nose.

“I don’t know.” I shrug. “They don’t tell me anything.”

“But you must suspect something,” he snarls, pushing away and stalking towards me. He trails his hands across my chest, a tingling power following. Is he trying to seduce me? What the fuck?

He stops behind me and leans closer, pressing his body against my back as I fight the urge to fling him across the room. Asshole, using his powers to get what he wants. The worst bit is, the power is shooting straight to my cock even though I don’t do men and I really don’t want him to touch me. I try to pull away, but I can’t, he has me locked in place even as I try to fight his control, my body revolting at his touch and his ability to make me want him. Taking what I’m not offering.

His hand traces lower, gripping my hard length through my trousers and flinging more power into it until I’m gasping, nearly spilling in my jeans.

“Tell me, fallen, and I will make all your dreams come true. I will suck your dick better than any woman, I will give you the best sex of your life,” he purrs against my ear, licking the shell. Bile rises in my throat. Is this all we are to them?

Puppets to control? To order, to use, even when we don’t want it?

If so, how are we any better than the sheep lying dead in his bed?

“Stop,” I demand, even as the madness swirls in my head, trying to protect me from what’s happening, wanting to lash out. To get his hands off me, his mouth away from my body. Even without having a mate, I wouldn’t want him to touch me, but now, with Dawn in my life? Every touch that isn’t hers is actually painful, sending a shot of wrongness through me.

It meets his power which is still swirling through me, the pain and the pleasure almost sending me to my knees. I hate his hand, I hate the fact that my cock is reacting to his power, and I hate it even though I know it’s what he is.

Lust, pure fucking lust, and he’s using it against me like a weapon to get his way. I don’t know how to fight this, how to stop it. Panic rushes through me at what he could do to me, at what he could take...

“Why? You like it, I can feel it,” he murmurs, and reaches around me, pressing his other hand against my hard cock, both of his hands rubbing me now. I feel disgust from his touch and finally break past his influence, stumbling away as he laughs at me, his eyes bright blue with power as he watches me. “Oh, you’re a strong one, no one breaks my spells.”

Snarling, I let my madness take over as I slink backwards, my mind blank and uncertain over what just happened. It doesn’t happen to men...right?

I smash him back into the wall, my grip on his throat, but all he does is laugh. “Oh, you like it rough? Fine.” He flings out his hand and I’m thrown backwards into the wall. I jump to my feet straightaway and point at him.

“Never touch me again or I’ll kill you,” I snarl, meaning it. I want to

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