Hate to Date You (Dating #4) - Monica Murphy Page 0,65

He twists away from me to grab a condom from my bedside table. I pulled them out of the drawer a few hours ago when we came back to my bedroom, and I’m grateful I was so prepared.

So, so grateful.



I’m at my new job, sitting at my new desk and going over company procedures with the branch manager when a bell rings, indicating someone has entered the building.

And when I glance up to see who it is, I go still with shock.

It’s Grace Ricci, Stella’s nonna.

Of course Jolene, the branch manager, knows Grace. This town is too small. Everyone knows everybody.

“Mrs. Ricci, it’s so wonderful to see you.” Jolene rises to her feet and walks over to where Grace is still standing, just on the other side of the glass door. She’s leaning heavily on her cane, her gaze searching as her head swivels this way and that, and I slouch in my chair to try to hide behind my laptop.

“Good afternoon, Jolene,” Grace says formally, a little grimace on her face when Jolene pulls her into a brief hug. Maybe Grace doesn’t like Jolene? Hmm. “I hope you don’t mind my stopping by unannounced.”

“Of course not! What brings you in today?” Jolene is gushing. Maybe that’s what Grace doesn’t like.

Ass kissing.

“I was hoping to meet with your newest agent.” She lifts her chin, a determined gleam in her eye.

Oh shit.

“Carter Abbott,” Grace finishes, rising a little on her tiptoes to try to see over my laptop no doubt. She’s a small woman. Maybe a little over five feet? “I think that’s him right over there.” She raises her cane and points it right at me.

Damn. Caught. Why am I hiding from her again?

Yeah, I don’t want her to know that I’m banging her sexy-as-fuck granddaughter. Or that we’re living together, when that’s supposed to be a secret. Keeping our living arrangements a secret makes it seem like we’re up to no good. Originally we weren’t. Now we are.

And that leaves me feeling guilty.

I quickly shrug into my jacket and stand, making my way around my new desk, past the other empty desks that are normally occupied by other agents, though most of them are out on calls and a couple of open houses this afternoon. I paste my best agent smile on my face, walking swiftly toward Grace until I’m standing directly in front of her.

“Mrs. Ricci,” I tell her, bending to press a kiss to one of her wrinkled cheeks, then the other. “Long time, no see.”

She laughs, patting my cheek as I pull away. “Don’t you clean up nicely.”

I’m in a suit because hello, I dress to impress. I am not your casual real estate agent who shows up to the office or meets with clients in jeans and a polo shirt. I sell houses that are worth lots of money. I have to look the part.

“Thank you,” I tell her with a faint smile. “I didn’t expect to see you today.”

Jolene is watching everything unfold with confusion on her face. She’s a nice woman. A few of the other agents I’ve befriended since starting six days ago say she’s a shark, though she reminds me of someone’s grandma. Someone’s posh, designer grandma dripping in diamonds and Chanel, but a grandma nevertheless.

“How do you two know each other?” Jolene asks pleasantly, her face frozen into a half smile. Or maybe that’s all the Botox, I’m not sure.

“He’s interested in my granddaughter,” Grace says, gesturing toward me with the cane again. I rear my head away before she knocks me out with it. “Stella.”

“Oh, Stella! How is she? I see her almost every morning when I grab my coffee at Sweet Dreams, but we never really get the chance to chat. She’s always so busy,” Jolene says.

Great. My boss knows Stella. And wait a minute. What did Stella’s grandmother say again…

“I’m not interested in your granddaughter,” I say with a chuckle, trying to keep it lighthearted. Last thing I want to admit to this older woman is that I’m fucking her granddaughter on the regular now.

Crude, but true.

“Don’t lie, Mr. Abbott. It’s not becoming.” Grace stomps the cane onto the floor, making it rattle. “Can we talk for a moment? Privately?” She shoots Jolene a look that says get the hell out of here.

“Yes, absolutely. Let’s go to one of the offices.” I move so I’m standing beside Grace, grasping hold of her elbow and leading her to the back of the building, where there are a cluster

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