Hate to Date You (Dating #4) - Monica Murphy Page 0,50

three, maybe four slices, and I hold my own with five.

“God, this is so good. I shouldn’t eat pizza. It goes straight to my thighs,” she practically moans.

I can’t help but drop my gaze to her thighs. They look good to me. “You’re fine.”

That’s the understatement of the year.

She flashes me a smile, the corner of her mouth with a napkin.

I keep eating all this food and don’t do anything about it. I need to start running again. I know Stella goes down to the beach and runs. Maybe she’ll let me join her.

“Can we use the blanket?” Stella asks once we’re done eating. “I’m getting kind of cold.”

Sharing the blanket with her is only going to heat me up, but I’m game for some torture. “Sure.”

I drape the blanket over both of us and stretch my legs out on the couch, bumping into Stella’s. She smiles, makes like she’s going to sit up, but I stop her, my hand settling on her feet. “You don’t have to move.”

“I’m in your way.”

“I don’t mind,” I tell her, my voice soft.

We return our attention to the movie. At least, I try. But I’m completely distracted by Stella’s presence, the way her legs tangle with mine. Every time she shifts, I feel it. Her pajama bottoms are soft; I can’t help but rub my toes along the hem of one leg, and I wish she was wearing shorts so I can actually feel her bare skin.

Fuck it, I can’t concentrate. I’ve lost track of what’s unfolding on the TV. Shooting a glance at Stella, I see she’s totally enthralled. Her eyes are wide, her lips slightly parted. She reaches up, scratching the side of her head before she tucks away a few loose strands of hair behind her ear. I keep staring, forgetting everything but the woman sharing a couch and a blanket with me, and I wonder if I could get closer to her somehow.

If she’d let me get closer.

After a few minutes of my blatant ogling, she glances in my direction, doing a double take when she catches me staring. “Is everything okay?”

I nod. “Not really.”

Stella’s frowning. I can’t blame her. I’m making no sense. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m just…” I look away, focusing on the TV once more. “Tired.”

I can feel her watching me, and I know she wants to say something. Ask questions. Tell me I’m acting weird. I know it.

But she says nothing. And neither do I. We watch the movie in silence, and when right when it’s over, Stella leaps from the couch, tells me thanks for sharing the blanket with her, and runs away to her bedroom.



Two days after the movie marathon that ended strangely, I’m walking into a restaurant in Monterey, right on the wharf and with the stellar ocean views, meeting Sarah and Candice for lunch.

“Show me it,” is the first thing I say to Candice when I settle in my chair at the table where she and Sarah are waiting for me.

Candice thrusts her hand in my direction, the giant diamond sparkling on her ring finger so large, I gasp. “Isn’t it gorgeous?” she says. Candice is practically bouncing in her seat, she’s so excited.

I hold her hand, turning it this way and that as I examine the ring. The center stone is massive, surrounded by smaller diamonds, and the band is covered entirely with a row of diamonds as well. “It’s absolutely beautiful.”

“It’s huge,” Sarah adds. “Charlie went all out.”

“He did,” Candice says approvingly, looking very pleased.

“I’m so happy for you.” I give her hand a squeeze. “I can’t believe you’re getting married. It feels like you two just met.”

“I know. Our relationship has been like a whirlwind, but when you know, you know.” Candice withdraws her hand from mine, positively beaming. “We’re getting married at the tree farm. In November, right before Thanksgiving!”

I blink at her. “Charlie is okay with that?”

“He doesn’t really know my plan yet.” Candice grabs her glass of water and takes a sip, her expression one of absolute innocence.

“You haven’t told him you want to get married at the tree farm, during their busiest time of year?” Sarah’s brows shoot up as she sends me a worried glance. Charlie is gonna flip the fuck out when she tells him. He’s pretty tense during the holiday season, at least according to Candice.

“He’ll be fine. Like I said, it’ll be before Thanksgiving, so not as busy.” Candice waves a hand, as if it’s no big deal. “Plus, I know

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