Hard to Resist - By Kara Lennox Page 0,5

cot and gestured toward the hallway. The man opened the door wider to let her exit, then followed. “The smoke triggered an asthma attack, but she responded well to treatment. They’re just keeping her a few more hours as a precaution.”

“And you?” His voice was deep and rich.

“I’m fine.” She would keep saying that until she could manage it without flinching. Though she was grateful that Samantha’s life and hers had been spared, she was anything but fine. Nothing in her life, so far, had prepared her for the disorientation she felt, the sense that she couldn’t look forward but could only live minute-to-minute.

She was homeless. She’d lost her purse, her money and checkbook—all her ID. She might still have a car, but she had no idea where the keys were.

The firefighter guided her to a bench across the hall from the treatment room. “I’m Ethan Basque.”

She shook his hand, which seemed ridiculous, given that he’d held her in his arms only a few hours earlier. She’d been wearing nothing but a thin nightgown. “Kathryn Holiday. Kat. I don’t know how to begin to thank you for saving our lives.”

“It was my job.” But then he grinned, and her heart did a little lurch. It took a special kind of person to do what this man had done, to risk his own life to save those of strangers.

“It’s good of you to check on us. Do you always take a personal interest in people you rescue?”

He shrugged one muscular shoulder. “So far, one hundred percent. You and your daughter are the first people I ever rescued.”


“Your apartment building was my first real fire.” He couldn’t suppress another grin over this admission, which made Kat’s heart give a couple of extra beats.

“You did great,” she said. “All of you did.”

“I’m sorry we couldn’t do more to save your building. But we did save your cat.”

Her hand flew to her mouth in surprise. “Bashira! Oh, poor thing. I had no idea what happened to him.”

“I took him home with me. He’s a little worse for wear, but I think he’ll be okay. Anyway, he’s safe until you get settled some place. Do you have friends or family you can stay with?”

She deflated a bit. “I guess I won’t be going back to my apartment.”

“Not anytime soon. We know how the fire started, by the way. Your downstairs neighbor left a cigar burning.”

“Is he… Did he get out okay?”

Ethan nodded. “Everyone got out. But your apartment is a total loss. I’m sorry.”

She sighed and swallowed back tears. “I guess I knew that.”

“Do you have somewhere to go?” he asked again.

“Yes. They’ll be releasing Samantha soon, and I can stay with a friend until I find my own place.” Kat had already called Deb, her office manager, at work. Deb had offered her a sofa for as long as Kat needed it.

“How about something to eat, then?” Ethan asked.

Kat was tempted. She was beyond stressed out, could hardly think what to do next, and here was this gorgeous guy who was willing to risk his life for perfect strangers, then follow up with still more kindness.

But no, that wasn’t the way to handle her dilemma. Didn’t she constantly counsel her girls on this very subject? Learn to get yourself out of trouble. Don’t expect some guy to rescue you. She had a little money in the bank, and renters’ insurance would cover at least some of her losses. A locksmith could make her new car keys. Visa would send her a new credit card.

“It’s very kind of you to offer, but I have things under control.”

Rather than acknowledge her strength, he gave her a cajoling smile. “Give a guy a break. Let me buy you breakfast.”

She wavered. Her stomach was empty, and she didn’t even have change on her for a vending machine. But then she heard Samantha’s voice. “Mommy?” Then, louder. “Mommy?”

Kat jumped to her feet and lunged for the treatment room. “I’m right here, sweetheart.” She went to Samantha’s bed and ruffled her hair. Her daughter had been washed up pretty well, but she still had a bit of soot in one ear.

“I want to go home,” Samantha said, fighting tears.

“I know. It’s not very much fun here. But the doctors just want to make sure you’re okay, and I do, too.” She didn’t bother to remind Samantha that they didn’t have a home to go to.

Samantha’s face gradually relaxed as Kat rubbed her chest.

“Is she okay?” Ethan asked from the doorway.


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