Hard to Fight - Bella Jewel Page 0,5

in a dangerous tone, pulling out a cigarette, lighting it and pressing it to his lips. “That all of you,” he looks me over as he takes a puff, “women, assume it’s the man’s fault when things go bad?”

“Isn’t it?” I say, crossing my arms.

“Women cheat,” he murmurs.

“They do.”

“And lie.”


“And break hearts.”

“I don’t doubt it.”

“Then why,” he asks again. “Is it assumed the man is always the jackass?”

“Because men have a very powerful tool between their legs, and that tool can cause, well, slight stalker tendencies in women.”

“Stalker tendencies?” he repeats, eyebrows raised.

“Yes, stalker tendencies. This is how it goes, listen carefully. Woman meets man. Man is hot, somewhat like you.” His lips twitch but I ignore it and keep going. “Man takes woman to bed, blows her mind and when she wakes the next day, he’s gone. This leaves woman desperate, and woman then proceeds to turn into what we so fondly call, well, to put it nicely, eccentric.”

He stares at me like I’m off my rocker. “All of this because they want,” his voice drops low. “The dick?”

“Pretty much.”

He sighs, taking a long, deep puff of smoke. “Bethany fits that role, I suppose.”

“Then you should learn from your mistake, and next time perhaps try breaking it off with a little more decency.”

He opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.

“Or better yet, keep your sword sheathed and be a decent human being.”

His eyes flash and I grin at him. I don’t know this man. He could be anyone and I’m out here, alone mind you, baiting him. Still, he doesn’t seem like the silent killer type, just a very attractive man who knows, and gets, exactly what he wants.

“I imagine it would be very different, if it was you receivin’ my … sword.”

I gape at him. Then I throw my hands on my hips and toss back, “You’re wrong about that, buddy. I’m not that girl.”

He takes a step closer. I take a step back. This doesn’t stop him; he drops his cigarette and continues this dance until my back is pressed against the cold brick wall. My bare skin tingles against it, and my legs go wobbly when he leans down while both of his hands go up and press against the wall beside my head, effectively trapping me. This close, I can smell him, and he’s a mixture of cigarette and cologne. It works for him. In a big way.

“Girls like you with sassy mouths are usually the first to crumble. I bet you’re thinkin’ about it right now? I bet you’re imaginin’ how good I'd feel deep, fuckin’ deep inside you.”

God, his voice is so thick and husky.

“What I’m thinking about,” I breathe, “is which part of your body I’m going to kick first.”

He chuckles, low in his throat and it’s a heavenly sound.

“I like the ones who play hard to get.”

“You need help,” I point out. “And I’m not playing anything. I’m not interested. I don’t beg, I don’t chase and I don’t like men who behave like you.”

His eyes scan my face, and damned if they aren’t lusty. “I could make you beg.”

I just bet he could.

We hold each other’s gazes, both of us clearly as stubborn as the other. Our intense glares are only broken when I hear Kady squeak, “Jesus, you’re not slow, are you, Gracie? I was only inside five minutes and you’ve already scored yourself a man.”

I turn my face towards her and say in a casual tone, “Oh him? No, I was about to make him, well, unable to reproduce.”

Kady looks confused and we shuffle against the wall – well, I shuffle as I try to shove him backwards with my hands to his chest. He doesn’t move – instead he pulls out another cigarette, lights it, and then pushes off me himself and turns, walking off toward the darkness. Just as I’m about to lose sight of him, he turns and murmurs, “Pleasure to meet you, Gracie,” God the way he just said my name, it practically dripped off his tongue.

Then he’s gone.

Poof, just like that.

Cool exit, but he’s still a bastard.

Chapter Two

Ring. Ring. Ring.

I groan, covering my face with my hands. God, go away.

Ring. Ring. Ring.


I roll, shoving my aching body out of bed and staring blurrily down at the screen of my flashing phone. Vance. What the hell does he want on a Saturday morning? Deciding I really don’t care, I flop back down onto my bed and groan in pain as the

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