Hard Fall (Trophy Boyfriends #2) - Sara Ney Page 0,58

to imagine anything when I close my eyes to masturbate—but this? This sight of him is making me wild. Gets me so hot.

My breath quickens and a moan escapes my lips, one that’s pouty and a bit whiny. I want to come—but I don’t. I want his finger inside me—but it isn’t. I want to have sex with him—but we won’t.

Make up your mind, Hollis.

Speak now or forever hold your—

“Ohhh…” I moan, grateful I live alone. Grateful for having shaved my legs this morning before I left the house. Grateful I had my pussy waxed last week—and my ass, ha ha.

Grateful for Trace and his skilled fingers…

He seems to sense I need more, and he complies.

One finger confidently goes inside me. Then two. Usually, I’m not a fan. I’ve yet to have sex or foreplay with a man who knew what the fuck he was doing with his fingers. But he…does.

I don’t have to direct him, or tell him to be gentle, or to ease up.

His thumb settles into a rhythm on my clit. His tongue lingers below it.

The entire thing makes me go, “Mmm.” Then, “Yes…”

Yes, more.

Yes, Buzz.

Yes, right there.


It’s on the tip of my tongue to call him Daddy, then—ew. No.

But kind of.

But I don’t.

I feel how flushed my chest is and want to tear my shirt off. I want to get so nakedy naked and have him lick me all over, but we’re not there yet.

We’re here.

Him pleasing me because I had a bad day.

The worst day, I remember now.

Poor me.

I look down at him again, a slow grin spreading on my face as I grip his head. Prop my toes on his shoulders, tipping my head back.

Let him pleasure me while I watch, desire swallowing me whole.

It feels euphoric when I come.

“Oh god…”

I needed that. Needed it good and hard—and it was fast. Almost embarrassingly quick, but right now I don’t even care.

Buzz rests back on his haunches, regarding me, glistening lips twisted with his own pleasure—with the knowledge that I just had a loud, aching ’gasm and he’s the one who gave it to me.

Those giant hands slide up my bare legs. Over my thighs and hips. He leans forward and kisses my knees. Glides his palms under my ass and hefts me up. Scoops me up like a baby, cradling me.

“Where’s your bedroom?”

I nod toward the stairs against the wall on the east side of this level.

Up we go.

When he finds my room, pushing the door open with his toe like he did earlier, he sets me on the edge of the bed. Removes my remaining clothes.

I scoot to the center.

Watch as he undresses himself down to his boxers, pulls the covers back, and slides in after me. Lays his head down on one of my five hundred pillows and stares up at the ceiling.

“I’m sorry you had a shitty day.” He searches and finds my hand under the covers, gives it a squeeze.

My heart constricts.

“I’m feeling a lot better now, thank you.” It’s supposed to come out flippant, like a joke, but sounds more serious than I intended it. “Thanks to you.”

There. Better.

“I’m glad you came over.” I mean—Madison is fine and all, but there’s nothing like the comfort of a big, brawny man to make me feel hot and warm on the inside.

“Me too.” His fingers still grip mine. “I wasn’t sure if I should—didn’t know if you’d actually agree to see me when your friend opened the door. She’s scary as fuck.”

That she is. “She means well. She’s protective of me.” Mostly.

Sort of.

“It’s good having loyal friends.”

“Like Noah?”

“Exactly.” Buzz is quiet for a time. “He and I have had our ups and downs, mostly because he resists my advances, but over the past few weeks, he’s really come around.”

Resisted his advances? Uh… “Do the two of you…um, are you sleeping together?”

“Noah and me?” He glances over at me, surprised. “No—I just meant the friendship thing.” His laugh is deep and sexy. Masculine and amused. “I know he never wanted me around, but I kept showing up and eating his food.” Pause. “And swimming in his pool and eating his food. And sleeping in his guest room and—”

“Eating his food?”

He shrugs. “I get hungry.”

“And now he’s cool with it?”

“Yeah, he gave me the garage code.”

“Did he?”

“Granted, it was after I stole one of the remotes for the security gate, but progress is progress.”

I stare, mouth gaping. I can never tell when he’s being serious or kidding around. Stifle my laughter. He is

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