Hard Checked (Ice Kings #4) - Stacey Lynn Page 0,83

what we’ll need. Two of everything since I’ll be living alone.

I’ve started looking for new apartments. The baby deserves more than starting his or her life living above a bar. When I’ve mentioned that to Sebastian his jaw tightens and he nods. But it’s not like I’m expecting to move in with him because of a baby.

That’d be crazier than anything that’s happened to us yet.

“You know the way to my heart,” I tease.

“I hope so, Gigi. I really do.”

My jaw drops. Before I can say anything, the tip of Sebastian’s finger comes into view as he traces my lips through the screen.

I blow him a kiss.

“I should let you go. Sleep tight, sweetheart, and I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Okay. You too.”

We hang up the call and while I get ready for bed and climb back into my covers, I repeat his last words.

I hope so. I really do.

Gosh. I might be falling in love with this man who’s going to be the father of my baby.

I suppose crazier things have happened.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I wake up to the soft snore of Bruiser curled up into my stomach and behind me, no Sebastian. He got home a couple days ago and I took yesterday and today off the bar so I can spend the entire time with him.

Man, dating a professional hockey is not for the faint of heart. I don’t even know how he keeps track of his schedule, whether he’s coming or going, or how in the heck they don’t get sick from all their time spent in the air and adjusting to different time zones.

And playoffs are no freaking joke. I’m already exhausted from the constant hustle of them and they still have so long to go if they keep winning.

Which they’re doing.

Because my guy is incredible.

It might have something to do with his team, but I’ll give Sebastian the credit.

I stretch, waking up Bruiser who loves to cuddle up next to me. He huffs and then bounces to my face where my first kisses of the morning are dog slobbers.

“Hmm. These are not the kisses I like to wake up to.” I push his face away and sit up slowly. I’m learning if I move too fast in the morning, I get nauseous. Otherwise, besides the extreme exhaustion that makes me want to lay on any hard surface from three in the afternoon onward, I’m feeling pretty damn good. Granted, it’s only been a few weeks since I found I was pregnant so anything can change.

Bruiser bounds off the bed, spins in his circles and trots off down the hallway leaving me privacy to use the bathroom and get cleaned up for the day. After, I go search for Sebastian, figuring I’ll find him in the kitchen or living room. Possibly his weight room.

Instead, I find him in his office, doors open, Bruiser laying in the doorway outside. He’s dressed in athletic shorts and a plain white T-shirt, his hair a rumpled mess while he sits at his desk in front of his computer. Sexy. Like usual when I see him, my stomach tumbles and excitement spikes.

He’s just so delicious looking.

“Good morning,” I mumble. I go straight to him, smiling when he grins up at me. He pushes his chair away from his desk and holds out his arm.

Good thing, too, because I’m cuddling up next to him whether he likes it or not.

I slide into his lap and he adjusts, swinging my legs over his thighs so my side is pressed to him and my head is at his shoulder.

“Hey, sweetheart.” I melt a little every time he says that.

I kiss his throat. “What are you doing up?”

“Getting some work stuff taken care of.”

On his screen is a picture of a house. A gorgeous beach house given the ocean in the background. All white with eggshell blue shutters, it has a massive second-floor deck that looks like it wraps around the entire house.

“That’s beautiful. What is it?”

He’s kissing my temple when I ask and for a second, he falters. “Oh. It’s… it’s my house on Sanibel Island.”

“You have a house on Sanibel Island?” My eyes grow wide as dinner plates and I glance at the computer screen, back to Sebastian, jaw dropping. “And it’s this one?”

Sanibel Island is one of the areas on the coast where all the celebrities have homes. I can only imagine the people he sees out there.

“Yeah. But I’m selling it.”

“Whatever the heck for?” Leaning forward, I grab his mouse and click through photos

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