Hard Checked (Ice Kings #4) - Stacey Lynn Page 0,76

the bar, do it. We’ll figure out the rest. If you want to get a job, wait and find one you’ll love. The one thing I know we’re going to teach this child is to chase their dreams and to go for what they want, and that won’t happen if their mom is working a job she hates because she felt like she had to give up those dreams to have a baby. Whatever you need, whenever, I will give that to you.”

“Sebastian—” Tears swarm in her eyes and before she reaches them, I brush them away with my thumbs. “We hardly know each other. And we’re barely together.”

I have nothing else to offer except for all of me, all my thought. Please, let be enough.

“I want that. Us together, I mean. I thought that while I was gone. I don’t want easy and uncomplicated with you anymore, Gigi and I already knew that. Is this forever? I think that’s way too early for us to know. But you are going to have my child which means we’re forever united in this way and that means, I will always be there to help you, in any way you need, so you can be the best mommy to this baby.”

She snaps her mouth closed.

It takes entirely too long for her to answer that my palms start to sweat.

“This is more than I thought you were going to say.”

“I mean every word of it. And I’d help you and give you what you want because we’re going to have a baby together, but I also mean it because I like you, and I want to see where this can go with us.”

“I want that, too.”

“Good. Now kiss me, help me out of my suit, and then show me how much you missed me.”

She laughs, doing her head shake she does when she thinks I’m being cute. I lean in to hiss her but stop halfway.

“Unless you’re not feeling well? I haven’t asked. And you said you’ve been tired—”

She shuts me up with a kiss, upturned lips pressing to mine. “I’m not that sick yet.”

“Thank God.” I seal her mouth to mine and slide my tongue into her parting mouth.

Hot damn, she feels good. It’s been a week, feels like forever since I’ve been inside her and I don’t know if it’s the time apart, admitting we want to be together, or the fact she’s pregnant with my baby… maybe a combination of all three that makes this so intense.

Gigi straddles me, teal hair draped over her shoulders as her hands press to my chest.

From beneath, I’m the one in control though, arching my hips and thrusting into her. I have one hand on her hip, the other on her flat belly.

Pregnant. I’ve knocked her up and I want to pound my fists in the air in some caveman type victory shout. But God… to think it’d never happen and then have it be so unexpected… I’m not sure what I feel except the beauty of her tight sex taking me deep inside her.

“Sebastian,” she cries and throws her head back.

I slide my hand from her belly down, finding her clit. “Come on, Gigi. Come for me.”

She’s close, pulsing around my dick, but I’ve already learned what it takes to throw her over the edge. As I play with her, I slam her down against me, force her to grind herself against my body. It’s hard enough to hold back waiting for her even though I already gave her an orgasm with my mouth first.

“Get there,” I grit out. And screw this. I want to be pressed against her, as close as we can get to one another. I sit up and wrap her legs around my back. Sliding my hand to her back, I cup the back of her head with my other and slam her mouth to mine.

Yes. Her tits. Her body. Her hips. Her colorful inked skin, but most of all her heart.

Shit. I am falling way too fast for this woman.

“Yes,” she cries out against my mouth. “I’m going to… come.”

She says it on a pant and I swallow her cries as her climax hits.

She’s so freaking gorgeous, rocking against me, body trembling. I kiss her, bite her neck while she yells out my name and let my own orgasm hit, hard and fast.

It speeds down my spine, up through my balls and soon I have her body clamped to mine, my mouth and teeth at her shoulder.

I dig

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